
Oh Wonderful World



3 Years
05-16-2017, 11:43 PM
The golden female let her eyes scan over the land around her. She hated it here. It was a flat waist land in her opinion. Large empty and dry. Not to mention that she had felt like she have been burning up all day long. She missed the cold tundras more than even now. It may not be more plants or life there but at least she knew how to survive there. She was thirsty but she hadn't seen water in what seemed like ages. The only good this she could find was that the sun was getting close to setting. Oh, and she also got to explore this land so she didn't have to come back here ever again. Then she spotted something she could hardly believe. Something green in the distance. If plants could grow there then there had to be water. She picked up her pace to a light trot. True joy in her eyes when the water came into view. She didn't waist any time looking around and went right for the refreshing drops.

Only half way done drinking did she pick up the scent. Her ears perked up to listen and her nose sniffed the air. Her head would fly up, water dripping from her muzzle. Her eyes would dart around for a bit. She had a friendly gal, but she was unsure of how things worked in this land. She relaxed a little when she only smelled one wolf and seconds later she spotted him. A gray and black in the coloring. She lowered her head back to a normal level and walked over to him. A friendly look in her eyes. "Good evening. What brings you to this hellish place?" She asked clearly letting her frustration with this land be heard in every word