
Teach me how to dougie


05-17-2017, 06:24 PM
He had made contact, and while he was sort of confused about what to do, he decided it was best to just go with what he knew. The boy knew how to fight, but he'd never fought someone he knew, let alone someone who was family. Then again, he had just met Fable and didn't know anything about him other than the fact they shared a last name and he was in a pack with the big red dog. So he shouldn't feel too bad, right?

All thoughts aside, he focused on the fight at hand. His headbutt was successful, his bite was also successful though it fell just short of his intended target. Eyes remained narrowed, tail lashed out to remain aligned with his spine, claws biting the dirt with toes spread, legs were hip and shoulder width apart now to keep his balance up. Ears were pinned to his head, teeth baring in a snarl as his muzzle wrinkled to make the skin bunch up around his face, hackles raised. He felt Fable rise up on his hind legs, his cousins forelegs wrapping on each side of his neck, though Roc didn't mind it too much. He kept his head down a few moments longer, deciding if he wanted to continue his grip on Fable, or if he should let go and seek another target. Split seconds would be the factor in his decision, and he'd decide to let go as Fable's head came towards him. With his cousin rising above him, Roc lunged forward with his hind legs pushing him towards Fable, the male attempting to shove his weight into Fable in an attempt to set off his balance. Next, his left foreleg would strike out, his other three legs taking his weight as he sought to hook his paw around Fable's right hind ankle in an effort to drag his cousin's foot towards him an an attempt to further upset his balance. Simultaneously, Roc's head snapped up, narrowed eyes saw Fable's teeth coming at him for a brief second before he decided to strike just below Fable's jaw in an attempt to counteract his attack [counter]. His head twisted slightly to his left, jaws gaping open as top fangs sought to grab a hold on the right side of Fable's jaw line while bottom fangs sought to grab the other side. He aimed to place his fangs on either side of Fable's jaw (where the jaws hinge) in an effort to grab a hold and keep him there, or make him back off.

Roc VS Fable for Dominance
Round 2/2
Height: 36"
Build: Heavy
Notes: We decided to do 2 rounds instead of 3!