
A bitter sweet goodbye


06-27-2013, 01:09 PM

His expression changed, shifting to become confused. His question brought a bark of laughter from her jaws. "I'm nearly 9." It was flattering that he assumed she was younger, she had aged well, her pelt always kept up, she had taken care of herself, muscles still strong beneath her lush ebony pelt, her feminine curves still evident. The only sign of her aging was the graying of her muzzle, the only flaw on her pelt, aside from hidden scars, including the ones on her neck from the brute standing nearby.

His usual sarcasm rolled off his tongue with ease. It was true, she didn't usually have a nice name to call him. Turning to face her, sapphire pools were forced upward to meet his gaze as he closed the distance between them. So the devil was retiring? Letting someone else destroy the world. He wouldn't, couldn't, truly hand the reins over completely, not until he took his last breath. There would always someone he needed to torment. That would never change about him.

It was then that both seemed to become aware of their proximity. He had noticed the change in her, one he undoubtedly knew very well. His movements were so slow it was questionable whether or not he was moving. Crown tilted upward as he towered over her, his voice a husky whisper. What had she gotten herself into? "Kaios." His name dripped from her lips like honey, soft and smooth with a touch of need. She was caught in the sights of a predator with nowhere to run. But she didn't feel the need to run. She held her ground, open to his next move, waiting.

His scent teased her nose, his intentions were clear. Fluid motions were slow, uncertain, as he leaned in toward her. It was too late to change her mind, she was playing with fire. And it was beginning to burn. Desire clouded her mind. Why? Why did she suddenly want to feel his belly pressed against her back, his jaws gripping her scruff? She had no answer for herself. She didn't have answers for a lot of things about him. He wrecked havoc in her life, brought nothing but insanity, yet she was drawn to him in unknown ways. She was tied to him in ways she couldn't even begin to comprehend. They truly were star-crossed lovers.

"Talk here."