
Waiting for dawn in the darkness of disaster

Zephyr I


10 Years
05-18-2017, 04:13 PM (This post was last modified: 06-23-2017, 05:42 PM by Zephyr I.)
It was strange to see Caelum hardly flinch at his approach. He remembered, so long ago, knowing exactly how her pawsteps sounded. He hardly had to look to see her approach before knowing without a doubt who it was - had she been able to tell he was heading towards her too without seeing him? His gait had been measured and casual, and he grinned as she looked up at him lazily. She retorted gently that he ought to be more aware of his surroundings, and he let out a soft scoff. "I suppose you have a point," Zephyr drawled, drawing out his words as she rounded her another time. "But.. next time I won't hesitate to step all over you. Fair warning."

Of course, he was merely teasing. A grin pulled at his lips as she leaned to lap at his chin, and her let his head droop slightly to encourage her touch. Now that he was growing more used to it, it was hard to imagine going as long without her around as he head. He considered it as he eyed her, fondness visible in his gaze. Eventually he settled by her side, reclining slowly to his haunches as she stood upright. "I could ask you the same thing,"" he asked, mischief gleaming in his sea-green stare. "I do believe I'll be content letting you lead the way. Which, by the way, isn't something that many get to hear me say." The truth was, was that he had always been content letting her lead whenever she pleased, and he was wondering if today might be one of those days.

"Talk" "You" Think