



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-27-2013, 01:17 PM

Wolf of the month
- Hmmm. Chrysanthe (She's doing so well as Valhalla's Alpha)
Member of the month
- Oh so many of you guys are awesome. But I can only pick one! -Deep Breath- It's a tie between Clash and Shrap. You two are both very sweet, helpful, amazing artists and manippers, and help make new people feel at home -Snuggles-
Staff of the month
- All of you are amazing. Hmm. Azzy and Aislyn.
Couple of the month
- Epiphron x Maverick - These two almost were lost causes, but love prevailed. These two will be wonderful Leaders for Seracia when the time comes for them to take the crowns. These two were meant to be!(I want to see a Leopard Appaloosa marked puppy from the future litter, guise!)
Thread of the month
- Oh me, oh mai. So many good threads! Hmm. I don't think I can choose any of my own. Sooo. "A New Beginning." with Epiphron and Maverick. What better thread than two loves finally able to be together?

(Ocena already won the award for Conest, sorry :o

OOC Noms

Most likely to blow stuff up
- We talking The Site? Or Fireworks. I dunno about the firewaork, we all love them, right? But as for Site. Hmmm. Aislyn. She can get fired up at times, and I think she combusted one night over the lack of respect Soul's getting irl.
Most talkative in the cBox
- (Me when on coffee buzz) Hmm. Lu takes the cake, since she's most likely to fill the cbox. -Wink-

Starts the craziest conversations
- All of us. But Peabody says the random stuff most. Like duck penis related things. -CoughgrinCough!-
- We're all very friendly. Very. ;) But if I'd have to choose someone... Maka
Most likely to troll
- Oho, must we ask this? Lutara.
Most helpful
- Nyx

IC Noms

Most likely to blow stuff up
- Hm. I think KAIOS would adore TNT. Best keep it away from him.
Best ship couple
- Hrmmm... Elphaba and Gerhardt (Getitonyoutwo!)
Most interesting personality
- Loki - or - Ghost
The pup most likely to believe a stranger has candy for him/her
- There's candy in Alacritis? Well... Arella, prolly, since she loves EVERYONE. -Winks-
Most likely to fall in love at first sight
- Cherokee and Song. They proved it.
Most likely to help a stranger
- Hm. Luana
Most likely to drive you crazy
- Ohm... Gabriel, come back to the good side. You be giving me headaches.
Most likely to plot to take over the world
- Oii... Kaios.