
A murder, a murder



9 Years
05-19-2017, 12:17 AM

Xephyris heard the call that Chaos sent out, howling to the wolves he had invited to this harvest fair; the activities of the day were past, and now was the time for partying. He had never participated in such a thing before, so he really didn't know what to expect, but a social gathering seemed like more fun that moping around by himself. And if he was lucky, Jaelle would be there. Perhaps they would have fun, although he did have a lingering doubt that the past could be put behind them so easily. Approaching the gathering, his eyes were drawn to the fire, something he'd never seen before. The smell was acrid, ashy and strong, but the flicker and glow of the flames was fascinating. The closer he got, the more he could feel the warmth radiating from it. How interesting. It was like the warmth of the sun in the dark of night. So far, he was impressed by this gathering, and looked forward to seeing what else there would be.

He glanced around, recognizing the wolves that had showed up originally to Chaos' call, but he didn't see the pretty gypsy yet. Would she come at all? He was rather disappointed not to see her, nor hear her charming bells calling out, but he would try to ignore his lingering feelings and focus on what was to come. His nostrils flared when he caught scent of something very peculiar beyond the burning branches - herbs, and liquid in the jars near Chaos that gave off fumes that burned his nose even from a distance. What was that all about? Before he could ask, a younger man spoke up, clearly on the same page as him about the smell coming from those jars. Stepping up a little closer, Xephyris placed himself next to the young man who had posed the question, curious as well to find out what it was, and what role it would play in this night.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]