
[2/3 available] out of this world


05-19-2017, 02:52 AM
Names: constellation, planet, and space themed
Ages: 0 seasons; just weaned recently (I am willing to buy the rogue pup passes if need be)
Genders: players choice
Personality: should be on the lighter side, they will be raised to understand herbs and how to use them recreationally, loyalty to their family should be present, will be told that deformities are a beautiful thing, will be raised in Dragoste likely but will have things to do with the aliens group monster is adopting out. Des will teach them everything about the stars and such. They won't know the aliens group yet though as dessy hasn't yet joined or met them.
Appearances: these are pretty well open, their mother is Desdemonia and has an extreme color palette, their father was a regular timber wolf with heavy scaring named Riker. Inheriting deformities is quite rare but not unheard of, so please keep that in mind. Otherwise they are pretty well open. Eyes may be any color.

I'm not requiring a role play sample for these guys, but I'm reserving the right to reclaim them should you fall inactive. I'm open to having more than three but no more than four should I really like your application.

These children are the result of a drug induced one night stand and the father will not be in their lives.

These are designs I bought for this litter but you do not have to use them:
Taken by Croation(please ask her if she's okay with twins if your set on this design)

[b]OC name:[/b]
[b]Name of pup:[/b]
[b]meaning of name:[/b]
[b]pups gender:[/b]
[b]Personality:[/b](150+ words)
[b]Appearance:[/b](please include a reference if you have one)(100+ words)