
The Same old Song and Dance



06-27-2013, 01:38 PM


Song was starting to enjoy the presence of Aurora, the way she talked reminded her a bit of Novel, in fact a lot about the she wolf brought memories of a recent past. Novel had been a large white she wolf, but it was more than that. They way she spoke and the way she carried herself, it was an incredible impression.
She wished she would have been able to see one of the ceremonies that Aurora described, what happened when she killed the animal, how difficult was it to choose what part to then take. How amazing would it be to feel the spirit with in ones self, a totally different consciousness. What other wonders had this she wolf seen?
Then attention was turned from the larger she wolf to herself with the asking of her own question. Her own history, her story before Alacritis and before she left her previous home, and Novel. She didn't take any time in replying, she was eager to share her own story in turn. Well, I was not born in Alacritis, my mother had me in a land called Dimenticato. She was the alphess of our pack, and from the moment I was born she started training me to become the next leader. Her eyes grew a bit darker at her next thought, the only moment in her past that she felt remorse about. I always thought it might have been a good idea, but deep in my heart I knew I wasn't meant to take her place. She pushed me to my limits, she trained me all too well. On the last day that I saw her, things didn't go too well. I lost my temper with her, and before I knew it she was on the ground, quite bloodied. She looked down and uttered a soft sigh, I had to leave after that.

Tagged: Aurora | <3 Wolfie