
Blood Song



4 Years
05-20-2017, 06:58 PM
Such warmth, decadent and luxurious. There was something in knowing the villain she adored so much wouldn't take her life. It wasn't for a lack of trying either, Vianni had pushed him passed the point of murderous rage and still managed to survive him. His rumbling only intensified her need, and as she rolled beneath him, she became acutely aware of him almost instantly. Lucifer's embrace was electrifying, reaching down to her soul and burning it to cinders. She. Fucking. Loved. It. No matter the crime, the woman was in deep and she wanted nothing to do with rescue. Her soul lived within this vicious killer, her heart was surrendered, but she was not quite ready to give him her body. While every fiber in her being cried out for him, she held back to hear his words of admiration and adoration, the proper tribute for a queen who would receive heirs in any moment.

The dark lord lowered his head, his hips intimately close with hers, setting her blood on fire as he moved. Pupils dilated as she watched his slow, purposeful motions, her dusty rose gaze betraying her before he ever made contact. No other wolf would have ever touched her this way and lived to gloat about it, but this demon was a wolf cut from the very fabric that made Vianni. She growled softly, arching up and aiming to wrap her paws around his neck once he made contact. It was a pleasurable rumble, ending on a soft, one-noted giggle. Liquid fire raced in her veins as his teeth, then tongue, trailed the length of her chest and neck, her eyes always on the hell fire of his own burning gaze. Black rimmed ears perk, and she listens distantly through the hazy fog of heat as her king rumbles his request. She pretends to ponder the idea, teasingly waving her tail slowly as she rolled to her side to think. "You started it, picked it, and now it gets to have little princes and princesses, thank you.These are your plans, love. You make us complicated." She reaches up to lick his nose, hoping to amplify the strain in his control. Smiling wickedly, the woman nips back at her husband, growling at his hidden accusation.

"If you'll notice it's only on my front half...I thought you were more worried about the back?" She stood then, hips keeping contact with his body as she did so. Vianni moved easily through the halls, making her way to the bed as quickly as she could, in a bid to keep her husband at her heels instead of letting him bowl her over.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.