
Get Out Of My Head



7 Years
Extra large

05-20-2017, 07:37 PM
Now that everything was said and done it was easy to joke and laugh about they had treated one another in the past. Upon reflection, it was obvious that he'd been overprotective of Finch and much of that had led to how he'd acted around Lillianna. It wasn't like anyone could blame him though, after what his sister had been through. At least they'd moved beyond that now. Lark liked to think he'd grown up quite a bit, even though it was still strange to think of himself as an adult at times; he wondered if that feeling would ever truly fade.

He snickered, letting out a content sigh as they reminisced. "I'm just glad my dad never found out how we were treating each other," Lark snickered. He'd caught on to some of the tension among the yearlings, and he'd called them all out on it.. but he couldn't imagine how he would've reacted to knowing the full extent of things. It was definitely an amusing thought now. It did make him feel a bit sad, though, thinking of the wolves that were no longer here. Briefly he thought of Tinaro and Calypsei, as well as a few others. "I agree," he murmured quietly, growing thoughtful for a moment. "Though I guess a lot of it was just part of growing up and figuring everything out. Things could've been worse." Abaven had been a relatively peaceful place through most of his life, other than a few incidents, ones that had luckily never escalated. He'd never felt afraid here, never felt too uncomfortable except in his own head - he had no complaints.

Lark was almost relieved that Lillianna hadn't clarified what she meant. She, too, replied with some gentle humor and his grin widened. It wasn't that he didn't care deeply for her - the word love was just something he'd never considered too deeply, and with each second he grew more aware that she was likely about to say that. He let out a soft breath after a moment, leaning further into her touch. For now, he was happy to push aside that talk, though he had a feeling things couldn't be avoided forever. "Well, I appreciate your thoughtfulness," he quipped lightly. "You're so kind to me."