
Blood Song



4 Years
05-20-2017, 09:36 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2017, 09:37 PM by Vianni.)
There was danger in the room with her, the woman could feel it. Every breath seemed to grow hotter, harder to pull in and push out. Her heart all but leaped from her chest and danced for him when his fiery kiss was placed at the base of her tail.  The action made the woman hop and trot along the hallways, almost becoming worried at his sudden disappearance. He didn't leave her long, and even returned with a gift! He did love her! Grinning ear to ear, Vianni padded foward on deadly, silent paws to eye the bottle and her own addition to their growing collection of furs. Her grey tail swayed as she lifted the bottle,  and lay it on its side with her mouth.  The heavy pot she used for a drinking bowl she lifted above the neck of the bottle, clasping the handle in her teeth, and dropped it to break open the bottle.

Using a paw, Vianni tips up the bottle to prevent more loss than necessary and steadies her bowl before carefully using her mouth to lift the bottle sideways and tilt it into the pot. Smacking a paw down, she tilts the bottle back up when there is enough in her dish and she smirks at Lucifer, moving to him and curling her tail over her hips. Dipping her white hooded crown, the woman aims to run her body lengthwise again't his own, making sure to wear his cologne on both sides of her own frame. Growling long and soft, almost as though she purred, Vianni moved and sat by her bowl. She watched her demon king, knowing full well how capable he truly was. Her pink tongue slid seductively slow to lap at the brown liquid that was fire water. She knew she couldn't procrastinate much longer, but she lay down to admire the raw, carnal power that was Lucifer.

If she had to prove her worth through creating heirs, she would spit out white faced babies every damn day if she could! This was her mate, and she was determined to keep it that way. Vianni was no stupid female, he had forcibly claimed her and she knew he enjoyed ripping bitches apart as punishment. If she ever caught another wolf with a face like her husband's she would kill it right on the spot. Obsession grew, hers would be the only line that tangled with Lucifer's. If she had to, she would dog his steps, hunt down every root that tied him to anyone else and extinguish it.

Clearing her throat, she sits up, watching him as she waited. She would never be ready for him, but the time for games was nearing an end, she could feel it like lightning had struck her heart.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.