



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-21-2017, 02:16 AM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2017, 02:57 AM by Dragon.)

She'd been hunting. Tracking down a deer and her fawn as they trailed through the plains. Lying low to the ground, amber gaze watched them hungrily as she waited for the opportune moment. She felt some twinge of remorse, simply for the fact that she kind of felt bad about hunting down a child and it's mother, but it was prey, and there were a lot of them about this spring. She was unaware of the squabble going on at the borders, unaware that three of her children were about to go at each other in a way she wouldn't like. For now though, she was focused on the prey ahead of her. Her hind legs were slightly bent, haunches almost kissing the ground as she slowly rocked, impatient and hungry, but she couldn't strike just yet. "Avalon!" Her head tilted up to find Tanarag winging towards her, the goshawk pausing just above her with a note of urgency in her voice. "What is it, Tan?" She questioned with confusion. "There's a commotion at the borders, Dragon and your other two boys Lykos, and Gryphon are there and it looks like things are getting heated!" Avalon's brows raised at the names, and without further thought she abandoned her hunt and ran towards the borders. "Lead the way," She ordered. What on earth were her kids getting themselves into? She knew Lykos and Dragon were hot headed, as well as Kharnage...but Gryphon? What was he doing? Her mind raced with all sorts of things, though primarily she thought about Lykos. She hadn't seen him in about a year, and everyday that went by and he wasn't around, she blamed herself. She knew she had gone too far that day, blinded by what that white bitch had told her. In the end, she knew that Mercy was only in it for herself, and obviously had sought to tear the family apart...and in a sense, Avalon felt like she had succeeded that day. Lykos...I'm so sorry...

It took her a good bit to get there, since her fight with Mercy, her leg hadn't been the same. The scar was still evident, but it didn't slow her down or hinder her much unless she was running at the pace she was now, and she was going as fast as she could. Tan flew ahead of her, guiding her to the location of her three boys until finally, she could see the three of them near the borders, and as she got closer, she caught the tail end of Gryphon's attempted challenge and Lykos' words. She didn't stop until she was upon them, hackles bristling at the mere thought of them fighting like this. She was angry, and she had every right to be. No mother in their right mind wanted to see her kids fight. "Enough!" She came to a stop between Dragon and Gryphon, tail lashing angrily as she looked at one, and then the other. "There will be no fighting among you!" Her words were laced with anger, though almost breathless as well from her race to get here. "Dragon is not the head of the family. I am." She paused for a moment as she tried to catch her breath, "Creed is as well, followed by my brothers and sisters, as is our right. Just like my Father was, and his parents before him." She remembered the air of command that Gargoyle had, though he was the only one in his litter, he took charge and made the decisions, just like her grandparents. It wouldn't be passed down until she and her siblings died, as well as Creed, Cross, and Crucible. (though she didn't know that Crucible had passed away and that Cross was missing).

She took a deep breath, trying to collect herself before she got angry enough to want to open a can of whoop ass on all of them for acting this way. "I did not raise any of you to fight against each other. You are brothers whether you like it or not. If there is an issue then I expect the lot of you to work it out." Her ear flicked back, knowing that at one point or several, she had made mistakes with them before. Lykos especially. At the thought of this, she remained where she was, though her gaze turned to her largest son. "I know I made mistakes before, but I am sorry. Truly, I am. Were it not for me, then this might not be happening." She stopped, deciding she didn't want to say anymore right now. Hopefully, she could catch Lykos before he decided to leave, and if he so chose not to, then she didn't think her heart could bear knowing that her son wanted nothing to do with her. "Dragon, I know you are the alpha, but you are still young and naive. All of you are. Your hearts are in the right place, but it seems things have gotten clouded with everything that happened in the past. Please, stop this. I do not wish to see any of you fight one another, though if it absolutely must happen then let it happen in the boneyard, not at our borders." Though she would prefer that they didn't fight at all. Of course, boys would be boys to some degree...she knew eventually it would come down to it, and if it did, she didn't think she'd have the ability to stop it even if she tried.


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