



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
05-21-2017, 02:56 AM
ooc// This might be a bit choppy because of all the other responses XD bear with me lol

His mind was made up. Or was it? Almost as soon as the words had left his mouth, he regretted it. He felt pain inside, but he didn't let it show. He couldn't. If he did, then he was sure that his brothers would jump all over that and use it against him. He was always a compassionate creature. Bull headed sometimes, and often took things to another level in his mind, but he never stopped caring about everyone no matter how much he tried to stop. He just...couldn't. Even when Lykos decided to never come around again, even though he felt completely disrespected by his larger brother, even though he'd been so angry about it, he never stopped caring. But in the light of things, his pride sometimes did consume him, and he didn't like to admit when he was wrong. Especially when he was confronted with two of his brothers. Maybe had it just been one, he would have been fine. But even though Gryphon had assured him that they weren't trying to gang up on him, he felt that it had been their plan from the start. He stared hotly at Lykos, his brothers words almost going in one ear and out the other, though mentally he stored them away and they stung. He didn't show it, no. To show that it hurt would make him look weak, and he wasn't about to break. That's what he thought, anyway. He had listened to his mother, all that time ago. Wasn't that what  he was supposed to do? He was questioning himself now, and whether or not he was fit for this position. Part of him felt ready, the other part...not so much. Would it be better if his mother resumed the role of Alpha? He wasn't sure...

"You never wanted to be with us." He said simply, words directed at Lykos. His voice held no emotion, though he truly believed that his brother really didn't want to be with them, even from the beginning. And he wondered why he had even shown up to Ivalice. Was it because he had nowhere else to go after Imperium's fall? He never asked. Though he wished he had. But it was too late for that. Then Gryphon decided he would finally speak up, and Dragon directed his attention at him, glaring at him. His hackles bristled, tail lashing, though he didn't feel like responding really. He just wanted this to be done and over with. "If he doesn't want to be a part of the family, then it shouldn't matter if he doesn't have the name. He's still your brother! I'm the alpha, and the decision stands!" He retorted. Really, he believed Lykos didn't deserve to bear the Ancora name. Though he knew this was all happening because things were heated, and none of them were backing down. As he bared his teeth, hackles bristling and tail lashing, he prepared himself to fight with his brother. He didn't want to, but Gryphon had decided he wanted to fight first. Before he could make a move, however, his mother had come to stand between them.

"Enough!" He stopped snarling, standing straight again, though his hackles refused to settle down. His tail still lashed with irritation and anger against his legs, but he wouldn't fight as long as his mother stood between them. He knew she'd try to stop it, and that was exactly what she would do as long as she was able to. Ears flicked as she spoke, green gaze diverted away from his brothers to the ground, and slowly it drifted upwards until it fell on the scar left behind from the fight with Mercy. It's all her fault... He thought bitterly. Mercy had started it all, and if it weren't for her then none of this would be happening. He looked away, brows furrowed as his hackles slowly lied flat once again. There weren't many things he did that he regretted in his short life, but he did regret the way he treated his brother and the fact that he wasn't there when he was needed. He listened to his mother, his stance no longer in a fighting pose. He didn't really want to fight his brother, but if they decided they still wanted to then he had no problem meeting them in the boneyard.

"If you're gonna leave, then leave. Before I change my mind." He said aloud, referring to his brother's position in the pack. If Lykos didn't want to be here, then he wouldn't hold him here anymore. He wouldn't admit how he felt though. Not now. Not in front of everyone. Green gaze remained averted from the three of them, though he wouldn't be the first to walk away from the scene. He didn't feel like talking anymore, and really didn't feel like dealing with anyone for a while. Sometimes he hated feeling things, but he couldn't help it. He half wanted to talk to Lykos alone, but he wasn't sure what the hell he would say. On top of that, he doubted Lykos ever wanted to talk to him again after this. So he decided he had a new resolve. He'd find Mercy, and he'd make her pay for what she did. It was thanks to her that the rift in the family had started. His mind was set.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.