
A Little Piece Of Heaven



6 Years

05-21-2017, 06:43 AM

Her gaze constantly shifted to watch the pups to check for any signs of them waking up. For once it seemed like they were fast asleep but she still made sure to keep her voice down. She didn't want her plans for the day to be ruined by one little loud mishap. Her gaze traveled back towards the cream and wine colored male and her face instantly lit up as he nodded in agreement to her suggestion. She hadn't expected him to say no, after all how could you say no to kid free time after so long, but it was still exciting to visibly see him agree.

She rose quietly with him and slipped out of the den where they could talk more freely. They paused outside and she gave him the time to adjust to the morning. She eyed him as he yawned and she felt the contagious pull as a yawn of her own tugged free past gaping jowls. Finally, after she stretched and shook out the sleep from her fur, it seemed they were ready to start the day. Her tail mimicked his in a soft wave behind her as she tried to formulate a plan in her head. She had vague ideas, but she hadn't set anything in stone - after all, she didn't even know what he liked doing.

"Well we could go watch the sunrise since it's still early and then maybe go swimming?" It felt weird being able to enjoy a morning for once and suddenly being around Zell, she felt self conscious. The need to understand him better had certainly settled in and needless to say she felt more than nervous. She'd lived with the man for a while now - how was it that she felt like she barely knew anything about him at all?

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]