
Coming across vain



6 Years

05-21-2017, 07:43 AM
Faite Ethereal Adravendi

Faite studied the pale woman as she perked up and she couldn't help but relax in the presence of such an energetic female. Her own tail waved softly behind her and her ears pricked forward as she listened to the ivory wolf speak as she introduced herself. She was blunt and jumped right to the point which Faite found herself appreciating. She got the summary of what Hailey was saying, though she couldn't imagine the sticky situation she'd gotten in. She took an automatic sniff to see if she could pick up on the scent of pregnancy, but she found no such hormonal change. Maybe it'd been a different situation then? That was a relief at least. If anything else happened like what had happened to Zuriel there was nothing on the earth that would stop her. She'd shoved aside her anger out of concern for her sibling and because Zuriel had asked her not to pursue Elias, but Faite was positive she wouldn't be able to keep her anger and need for justice in check again.

Thoughts of whatever situation that drove Hailey to try to join a pack vanished and instead the smile returned as the white wolf explained her skills in healing as well as her willingness to baby sit. Her mind went over the large amount of wolves under a year and she couldn't help but be tempted at the idea of some extra help. Her healing skills would certainly be appreciated as well, but with as many adults as there were children - well an extra set of eyes was always helpful.

"It's nice to meet you Hailey. We do indeed have room for another healer and I definitely couldn't say no to a baby sitter. We currently have quite a few pups that I'm sure you'd love to meet. Before i accept you though, is there anything you'd like to know about Lirim? I don't want you to be surprised by anything later on down the road."


I like to imagine
That you smile when you hear my songs

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]