



6 Years

05-21-2017, 08:48 AM

An ear flicked towards Fortune before moving back to the striped stranger before her. His grin was slightly unsettling as was the mischievous glint in his eyes. Her gaze kept slowly drifting towards his teeth before sliding back up to meet his eyeballs once more. Once upon a time she might have been mesmerized, and even curious, about those teeth, but now they only caused her muscles to tighten in visible wariness of the male. Surely those things packed a powerful bite and she was half expecting the outcome of this meeting to turn hostile. It wouldn't have been the first time a border meeting had gone sour.

Of course him finding the whole situation amusing wasn't helping her mood any. Her lips pulled into a tight frown as she watched him eye Jewell before throwing his head back in laughter. Her muzzle wrinkled in slight annoyance at his words - the curse words in front of the child wasn't something she appreciated but she kept her opinions to herself. So long as Jewell didn't pick up on them later...

"If we had pups doing border patrols for us then I highly doubt there'd be any adults here." It was hard to keep the annoyance out of her tone, but she was trying her hardest. Sparkle Rainbow Princess Flower struck a nerve. Sure Jewell was probably one of the most colorful wolves she'd ever met but it wasn't like he looked any more normal either.

She moved forward some more to put up a blockade between Chaos and Jewell and her head lowered slightly as her lip pulled back to reveal one fang in a silent warning.He found the whole thing funny, but scaring the young pup wasn't on Faite's to-do list today and if all the male was going to do was sit back and insult every single aspect of her pack and the members in it then she wasn't interested in carrying on the conversation. She blinked back more irritation as he literally rolled on the ground laughing before spitting out another insulting question while totally ignoring hers. At this point she highly doubted Karabela had sent him. Had she been overthrown by this overgrown child?

"Are you even a real alpha?" She retorted? "At this point I've seen my children act better than you are. If you're just going to continue to insult my family and ignore my questions then you can just go ahead and leave."

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]