

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
05-21-2017, 09:33 AM
Kaitlyn had hardly noticed the man until he spoke, and when he did, she jumped in the air, startled. Her green eyes focused on him with worry, taking a step back almost immediately. Here was a wolf she’d never seen before, almost twice her height, and bigger than even Erebos… He scared her. That was evident in her more submissive posture from the get go. His words might have been casual, but Kait was not one who easily trusted after all she’d been through. She kept her ears lowered as she spoke up, though her voice was still on the softer side.

“I… I was looking…” Her words seemed to catch in her throat as she looked around helplessly, as if half expecting Erebos to come out of the plants nearby. But he didn’t. She truly was alone with this man, and she could feel her heart racing in her chest, pounding fearfully as she turned her gaze back to the man. “You shouldn’t be here…” She said, taking another step back. “Erebos would get mad…” But her tone betrayed that not even she knew where Erebos was. She glanced back towards her den, wondering if she could slip inside if she’d be able to escape the wolf before her… though he could always try to dig her out too…

“I should be waiting for him…” But again her voice faltered, remembering bits and pieces of their last confrontation… the pieces that were fragmented to her from Proxy and Mad. Did Erebos even care if she might disappear one day? He had said himself that he didn’t guard her, didn’t understand why she stayed… Kaitlyn tried her best to keep the red gaze of the man, trying to appear brave even though she was really scared to death.

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.