
Hush Hush Hush



6 Years
05-21-2017, 12:20 PM

It felt as though he had only just met Shiloh yesterday and already the seasons had changed. Fresh snow powdered the earth. Spider watched the snow fall from his hiding place under the roots of a willow, his body curled into a tight ball. He dropped his head on the small slope at the entrance to the den with a quiet ‘wuff’ his ears pinned back. The den had been hastily packed with what few herbs he could find before the first chill set in. It had been sparse but he had accumulated a fair amount of moss, which had become infinitely valuable after several sessions of what Shiloh referred to as “fuck time”.

His body ached and his frame had been spackled with shallow scratches and bite marks, but he would have been lying if he said he hadn’t enjoyed it. Before he met Shiloh he had resigned himself to never finding love, what he had now was an abomination in the eyes of Yosep but Yosep had never really been his god to begin with. So far the Wayland God as he was sometimes called had only served to restrain him and he had found that as he began to turn away from his parent’s religion he had felt an overwhelming sense of relief.

He yawned as the snow continued to fall around the icy curtain made by the tree’s branches. He thought of how warm he would be this winter, curled around Shiloh’s body and felt blood rush to his cheeks. He couldn’t help but smile just slightly at the thought, it was all so new to him; having someone that was his, maybe not just his but he had been fine with that. Even if he could, Spider wouldn’t try to find anyone other than Shiloh even if that feeling wasn’t mutual between them.

Spider speaking