



8 Years

Trick 2019
05-21-2017, 02:12 PM
Ugh I feel like I'm skipping a huge portion of what I wanted for this post but I can't remember. Oh well.

Gryphon didn't back down from his stance, not when Dragon faced him with lashing tail and snarls, nor when Avalon appeared from nowhere to step between them. All he did was transfer part of his attention to their mother, while keeping green eyes fixed grimly on Dragon. His face didn't alter a hair from the determined expression he had worn since he'd come to the conclusion that he needed to take over the family.

"I think time has shown that the decisions you have made for the family have not often worked out in the family's favor, Mother," he said firmly, slowly, though not with malice. "If you think you are still making decisions for the family and did not abdicate that when you set aside Talis, fine. So, if you are head of the family, Dragon does not have the power to make decisions for the Ancoras, his decision to attempt to strip my brother of that name is void, and this is between you and I then. As I told Dragon, I will meet any challenge from our family that comes from my decision to do this." He went silent, studying Dragon and watching as the other Ancora boy shifted from angry to... what? Shame? Regret? Irritation? All of the above with some sugar thrown in for good measure? But whatever his brother's feelings on the matter, Gryphon refused to allow himself to be chastised as though he was a child, for choosing to make the logical conclusion when no one else would. He took a deep breath, in and out through his nose, slowly, to settle himself, still watching Dragon. "Avalon Ancora, I believe it is time you retired your position and allowed someone younger and more fit to make decisions for the family."

He finally turned his head the minuscule distance from his brother to Avalon, focusing on her fully for the first time. "I love you, Mother, but time and time again your choices have led the whole lot of us nearly into ruin. It isn't logical for you to lead the family any more than it is for Dragon to. The pack isn't Ancora, it is Talis, and if it fails and falls I will make certain our family doesn't die with it. You say we are young and naive, but I think maybe you just don't want to admit that we've grown up. That we may be more able than you are, now. We aren't pups anymore, Mother, and it's time for you to let go. Abdicate control of the family. It's the rational decision."

He flicked his gaze over his shoulder briefly to glance back at Lykos, and forced his expression into a faintly encouraging smile, even managed a teasing parting shot, though there was a hint of warning in his voice. He'd been given his freedom, and he knew Gryphon wouldn't allow his name to be stripped from him, so staying any longer simply put him at risk for having that freedom taken back. "I think it's time for you to go, Lykos. I'm sure I'll find you when I go back up north again to track down Mercy for that... discussion. We can talk more then. Maybe you'll even find a real girlfriend by then so you aren't so uptight all the time, eh?" The smile slipped from his muzzle again as he turned back to watching Avalon and Dragon, calm despite the firmness in his eyes and face.
