

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
05-21-2017, 06:20 PM
Kaitlyn frowned, her heart skipping a beat as the male said he didn’t see nor smell anyone else here. It was true… Erebos’ scent wasn’t as strong here as it was before… maybe he really had left? Maybe he’d finally gotten so fed up with her he just left her behind and that was that. This male made her uneasy… but his voice was softer than Erebos would generally speak in too. At least at the moment. It could have been a lie… He could just be toying with her, but Kait found herself feeling that desperate need to cling onto someone…

But once he had wedged his way between her and the den Kaitlyn grew alarmed again. She edged back away from him again, giving a soft whine despite his light and teasing. “Well… I…” She flicked her ears uneasily, her green gaze lifting back to the male. “Sorry…” She wasn’t sure why she was apologizing… it was just in her nature at this point. Apologize for everything. Be a good girl and do as you’re told. Don’t upset those who were bigger and stronger than you.

At his words Kait took on a look of hurt. Erebos… didn’t care? He really didn’t care? She lowered her gaze again, tears pricking her eyes. But… but she’d stayed with him! She had hunted for them! She…

“He… doesn’t care?” Her words sounded heartbroken… and they were. Worse yet was the fact she was naive enough to fall for the lies of this man. She squeezed her eyes closed, shaking her head back and forth. “I…” When she opened her eyes again to look at the massive man before her they were filled with tears. “He… has to care… he has to!” Kait’s voice cracked with emotion, her body starting to tremble.

“He… he… hehehehehehe!” Then, all at once there was a mad giggle from the girl, a wild look entering her eyes as one of her alters decided now was the time to take over. It was Mad, and Mad he was… mad as could be. He hummed softly to himself, straightening up his host’s posture before turning his gaze back to the brute.

“My my… what a stir you’ve put our little Kait in! Making her think Erebos has left her… do you honestly think you could handle a wolf like her?” Mad’s voice dripped sweetly, almost as if it were soaked in honey. “I’m afraid Katie is broken, good sir. There’s not just her in here anymore… hehehehe!” Another series of giggles. Though perhaps, should this male overlook her oddities, then maybe Mad would follow him.

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.