
When I hit the ground



9 Years
Athena I
05-21-2017, 09:32 PM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2017, 05:39 PM by Leo.)

Leo blinked as he listened to Heather rattle off a series of complicated questions. He chuckled and gave her a grin with a glance as he slowly padded along beside her. "Well, you really have a lot on your mind, don't you?" He mused over an answer to her questions for a moment before he replied. He wanted to give her the most well formed answer he could. She deserved to be as well prepared for this new adventure as she could be. He didn't want her to go into this without some kind of realistic expectations like he had.

"First of all, everyone messes up from time to time. No one is perfect. I certainly haven't been a perfect leader. It's not the messing up you need to worry about. The good thing about this pack is that we have members who are generally agreeable and loyal. At least that's how it's always seemed to me. I've always believed that respect is something that is earned, but I believe the wolves here will give you respect as a leader unless proven otherwise. As long as you're doing your best everyone should play nice." He smiled a little and turned his path a bit to follow the edge of the pack lands.

"Here is my main piece of advice for you as far as not being a tyrant and keeping everyone engaged. For a long time now I haven't had the higher ranks filled. I have you, Lionel, and Carletta filling several of the spots now, but even during the time when I was trying to look for your mother I was trying to take care of you kids and look for her and take care of the pack all on my own. With the way I structured the pack it's critical to have those higher ranking wolves and I just never got around to really trying to fill them. Of course you can run the pack however you see fit, but I deeply regret trying to do this all on my own. If I had found someone to be my secondary that could help me with the day to day pack stuff I could have spent more time with you and your siblings while you were growing up. And perhaps I wouldn't feel so old already."

"Talk" "You" Think