
Scrape Me Off The Ceiling [Abraxas Fam]


05-23-2017, 01:42 AM
She wasn't really asleep, no she had been on her island with Miach, doing a little seagulls nest raiding when she heard the call. The first thing she had thought of was that this really was late for Amon to be calling this shit, and second that perhaps they might like to meet Miach. She was quick with snatching two more eggs and heading up to find him. The eggs would be gifts. She knew Amon wouldn't of called had it not been for her aunt birthing. She found him easy enough and was quick with wirelessly inviting him. Hopefully he had the sense to be silent around the family. With her mouth gently clutching the eggs she made her way across the water. Her mother would be there and she knew an earful would be hers.

She could hear Miach behind her following like the good child he was. Well okay he wasn't so good, but she was helping him stay hidden. She didn't want to loose her friend. She made her speed as ground eating as possible, she didn't want to keep Amon waiting.

As they arrived she slowed and shook herself. She put on her tough face and moved forward into the den, watching her uncle with caution. A flash of her tail and turn of her head told Miach to wait in the entrance. Hopefully he listened. She made a quick deposit of the eggs to her aunt's paws and moved back. Her eyes touched the children and she couldn't help but feel jealous of them. They were now the youngest, which meant they would steal everything from her. She moved wordlessly away to sit by Miach. Her mother wasn't yet here which was good. She then looked back to Amon and dipped her head to him. "Uncle Amon, I will stand guard so you may find Auntie Pyralis something to eat. her tone was hushed, cautious and even held respect at the moment. She was already going to be in deep enough trouble when Ana got there. Though hopefully Ana would understand her need to be away from it all.

She figured she could introduce Miach in a moment or two, when the others got there. It was best they all learned he was friend not foe. Especially since it had crossed her mind that he may be of use for her to breed when the time came, after all not many could be called her friend. The thought had also crossed her mind to perhaps pull Amon to the side and see what he thought about her adopting children as a way of testing the waters. She would have commented on her aunt's children if she honestly wasn't scared he would punish her for being out of line and addressing someone else first.