
Tangled In The Great Escape


05-23-2017, 02:48 AM

He'd circled the stones one more times, trying to see if there was any clue that would lead him to enlightenment, but he found no such thing. Eventually he gave up and sat before one to stare up at it in awe. He had nothing better to do with him time, save for hunting, but his stomach hadn't quite gotten to the point where he felt like breakfast was in order. Even he had to admit to himself that he was a sucker for sight seeing and he was reluctant to leave this place for a while longer. After all what if someone happened to come along - he couldn't be the only creature interested in the structures. Maybe they'd know more than him. At the very least he could get an idea of this new land and its inhabitants from another and more experienced traveler than himself.

It was a little while before he began to believe no one else would show up. The carvings kept him interested for a while, but eventually the heavy footfalls of another caught his attention. A fluffy ear flicked its way before the sound of voices traveled his way. His head turned slightly as a strange pair greeted his vision. The first was clearly a wolf, fluffy in appearance, slightly shorter than himself, and a pleasing mixture of gray and tan. The other was a somewhat strange concept to him. There was a bird sitting on the female's back. His head cocked to the side with curiosity as he stared at it and listened to them talk. He couldn't pick up the conversation, but it was odd that they were together.

Well it seemed like they'd noticed him. He got to his feet as she looked him over and yet he didn't feel self conscious. He'd gotten used to the strange stares he'd received before - after all he was different to look at. The fluffy fur and slightly different body type was certainly recognizable. Ears flicked towards the female as she shot him a question about the stones and he glanced back towards the nearest rock before he shook his head.

"No, I'm afraid I don't. I'm sorry. I was hoping to ask the next wolf I saw the same question." He explained with an apologetic look. Maybe the natives didn't know more than he did about the place either.

Walk, "Talk" Think