
Meet Me At The Gates



9 Years
05-23-2017, 03:36 AM

Life had felt like a somersault for Creed since their return from Talis. Originally he'd planned on heading north with Dragon and Valor as well as maybe Fable, but as soon as they'd stopped in Celestial for a few days Crucible had passed on. Cross' disappearance had been something he could handle - after all it was easier to accept him just not being there with the off chance that he'd seen his sibling again, but with physical evidence of Crucible being dead was just too much. He'd always believed their line to be strong and hardy, and yet Cru had been ill off and on for a while. After all their mother had lived past eleven, why couldn't they? Guilt was one of his main feelings. There was the gnawing fact that he could have spent more time with the male before he was gone that ate away at him. Needless to say it certainly halted any future plans for him, but it wasn't a thought that came to mind anymore either.

Crucible hadn't been buried for very long when he noticed Valor's disappearance. Originally it hadn't bothered him, maybe he'd gone exploring, but when the male didn't come back within a reasonable time frame he began to worry. Maybe it was the paranoia that another of his children that might go missing that drove him out the borders without telling anyone, but he left without a word. His full intention was tracking Valor down without giving the boy's scent a chance to fade away into oblivion.

Luckily for him Valor didn't seem to be going at a fast pace so it was easy to track the boy's scent all the way to the north. It hadn't taken him long to realize that Valor must have taken the trip by himself, with or without him, to see the family's origins and it gave him another twinge of guilt. He'd wanted to make the trip, but with recent events he hadn't wanted to leave the pack lands. Between Kavdaya's turn for the worse (it was the only way he could think of to describe what had come over her), Crucible's death, and Justice being home, it just didn't feel like the right time to go.

The trip had already taken a large toll on him by the time he arrived. He'd rested very little, hadn't eaten barely anything since he'd left Celestial, and was tired to the bone. The only thing driving him was sheer will power, but even that wouldn't last long. Valor's scent was stronger now which gave him hope and it was easy to track him until the scent of a female in heat caught his attention. The two scents met and he sniffed around at where they'd obviously met up until they converged off in a different direction that didn't seem like Valor's intended path. More paranoia caught up with him and he trotted after it hurriedly.

The scene that met him was a gruesome one and something that immediately set his blood to boiling. The scent of blood reached his nostrils and teal colored eyes rested on the sight of a female bowling his son over with teeth sunk deeply into Valor's neck. A snarl erupted from his as his hackles bristled and his muscles tightened. He wasn't a wolf who enjoyed conflict and he hadn't been in a fight in ages, but the circumstances had changed now. He charged at the woman with his ears pinned to the ground, a snarl bunching up the skin around his face to help protect his eyes. His tail automatically flagged out behind him, level to the ground, as he aimed perfectly perpendicular to her. Adrenaline coursed through him as he tucked in his chin and dug his toes into the dirt before turning slightly to aim the front of his left shoulder directly in the center of her rib cage. He knew if the impact ripped her fangs from Valor's neck it would cause him pain but at least then he had a chance to survive. He was hoping his heavy frame and the brute force of his charge would be at least enough to bowl her over. At the very least she'd have a new target other than the white and black colored boy.

Creed vs Vianni for Unofficial Death Match
Round - 1 of ? (you get to choose Bird)
Height - 36 inches
Build - Heavy

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: LqRCxUq.png]