
A bitter sweet goodbye


06-27-2013, 03:54 PM

Nine? She was nine years old!? Damn, she was a lot older than he had thought she was, he always figured she was the same age as him, if not a year or so older. But four years older? That was insane. As he presumed his actions he heard his name drip off her toungue with the sweetest tone, which was something he never thought he would hear. He figured she would always hate him, no matter what he did or said, because no one can change the past, no matter how gruesome it was. He had tortured her to hell and back, but now, things were dying down. They could actually be around each other without him wanting to taste her blood and without her wanting to slit his throat. It was nice. He came closer, and though he had expected her to retreat from his motion she didn't, in fact, she embraced it. His tongue swiped gently across her lips, and hers did the same. It was an intense moment, one he never thought he would have with any female, especially not secret. His trailed his tongue down along the bottom of her chin and along her neck, sending sensual nips and kisses along with it. If things didn't stop soon they would end up fucking again. He was sure of it.

OOC: PP permission given to me by SAF, and she has PP permission from me as well :)