


06-27-2013, 04:38 PM

As the boy picked up his pace the grateful eagle was able to stretch her wings more and catch an air current. Her flapping ceased except for the occasional movement and she turned into the relaxed and fluid flyer that she was always meant to be. He hadn't tried fish yet, perhaps she could solve that problem - if he was hungry. Not to mention.. what growing boy wasn't hungry? She tilted her wings and angled around the trees that came before her until she was safely in the meadow. When the trees thinned and became nonexistent she lifted up and soared high into the sky, twirling once and aligning her head toward the ground before diving and skimming just inches above the grass. Oh how wonderful it was to fly! Your mother told you right, Cross. There are some fish bigger than you, bigger than a fully grown wolf - even! The eagle flapped as she slowed her pace, landing on the soft snow-covered grass beside the boy who was now examining the cows. What do you think of them? She tilted her head in the way that only a bird could, casting her golden vision toward the child with genuine interest in her stare.

"I have to admit I had worried about the strength of it initially, but now that I have seen them together I am positive all is well." He had known that Chrysanthe and Maverick weren't in love, and they were in fact strangers, but it had not been his place to break a bond he so desperately needed to keep together. Every day he was thankful that it had all worked out for the better, even if he'd had little part in making it so. Crusade spoke about Valkis' departure in vague terms, and the King thanked her in his mind for handling the subject so delicately. He was thankful too when she ceased talking about the matter and paused to caution her son. He cast his amethyst eye toward the boy, hoping Robin was keeping an eye on him. The bird was aloft again, soaring in circles around the meadow at a healthy height. She was a magnificent sight to see - of that the King would never be more certain.

He twisted his ears and subsequently his head toward her when she asked him if everything was alright. "For the time being, yes. We have a rogue bull who injured one of my members. I am working on getting a group together to take the beast down, but it has been more difficult than I imagined it being to find wolves I trust with such a lofty mission." Not that he didn't trust each and every one of his members, he was just trying to be careful and ensure that no one was hurt in the process. Killing a bull had not been attempted yet, and he wasn't rightly sure what to expect out of the process. It was necessary to get only skilled fighters. Bronze had agreed, as had Elphaba. He would personally attend, and he knew his son and possibly even Epiphron would join them. Kamala - well, she would do it if asked. It seemed as if he had enough wolves, but perhaps he just wasn't completely certain that this was a wise plan just yet.


Robin speech