
A bitter sweet goodbye


06-27-2013, 04:48 PM

Silence fell between the two, actions beginning to speak louder than words. His gentle touch was startling but she returned his kiss, her touch just as gentle. Nips and soft kissed drifted down her neck, causing her to tilt her head back further, giving him easier access to her neck. She returned each of his nips with one of her own, quickly followed by a soothing lick. There would be no turning back if things didn't stop soon. Between his touch and the hot water, her body was on fire. It was strange, sharing such an intimate moment with the man who dragged to hell and back on multiple occasions. Leaning into him, she pressed her tiny frame against his massive one, jaws alternating between nips and kisses down his side. Every nip, every brush of her pelt against him slowly guided him to shallower waters whether he knew it or not. It was so unlike her to be in such a situation. So willingly. The last time she had been with a man was when Kylar got her pregnant, never in her wildest dreams, or nightmares, did she image falling prey to Kaios. Intensity rose until if felt unbearable, it thickened the air, weighed down on her chest. Having gotten to closer to the edge of the pool, water lapped at her legs, the rest of her soaking wet, pelt clinging her bodice, the dripping of water the only noise that surrounded the pair. Blue gems looked at him in question. He had always had an obsession for her, a desire to claim her as his own, but now he had a family. Had that changed his desire for her?

"Talk here."