
Waiting for dawn in the darkness of disaster

Zephyr I


10 Years
05-23-2017, 08:20 PM (This post was last modified: 06-23-2017, 05:42 PM by Zephyr I.)
Things between them seemed easier each time they met. Zephyr wasn't foolish enough to think that things would ever be exactly as they had been once - too much had happened between them to pretend otherwise - but he was happy that things were slowly getting easier. He felt more relaxed around her, no longer like there was a giant elephant in the room, despite the fact that he had definitely not told her everything that had happened during their time apart. Pushing it all back had eventually made him feel more at ease, and even today he smiled far more easily around her. The expression only widened as she pressed into him, as though basking in his scent, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't lean toward her for a whiff of his own.

"I've always been a fan of trouble," he admitted, revealing his teeth as his grin grew. Zephyr's voice had taken on a playful air, as he exhaled softly against her neck. "I mean, if I'm being honest, I think you're the one I'd prefer to get in trouble with above everyone else." He was enjoying the time they spent together, slowly and surely letting go of the burden of anger and blame that he'd been holding on to. Not entirely, but mostly. Forgetting seemed easier, and safer, than remembering anyway. Finding out that Avani had survived had helped too, since he'd come to terms with the loss of their children a long time ago. He was still scared to meet her - scared of what she'd think, and what she'd heard, if anything. He knew the day would have to come soon, though, and he was both anxious and excited for it.

He followed her easily, stretching out his forelimbs as he padded after her through the plains. "How could you forget? I'm always hungry," he drawled, his jaws parting in a soft yarn before he reached her side. "What's on the menu today?" Lightly he nipped at her flank, letting out a playful growl as he veered around to her front.

"Talk" "You" Think