
Too Much To Think



7 Years
Extra large
05-24-2017, 08:33 PM

The more she stared at the asshat ripping up the penguin the more irritable she became. It was an absolute mess, a mess she didn't create, and he'd probably scared the rest away. Her fun would be spoiled, the favorite food of the sea beasts scattered out of reach. "It looks like you're making a damn mess of my birds, and you didn't even have the decency to feed it to a sea monster." Most likely she sounded mad, in more ways than one. She didn't care, not for one second, so focused was she on how he'd made a bloody pile of feathers out of perfectly good bait. She hadn't needed to rip into unsuspecting by-passers when there were monsters to entertain herself with, those blubbery beasts that leapt from the water and slapped the birds silly against it's surface to bash the life out of them. It was amazing, their awesome strength and grace in the sea was so very impressive. And this guy was wasting bait. Just pulling it apart. She was fixing to start something if he wasn't careful.

The way he bristled and tensed was just more annoying. This moron hadn't been as fortunate as her when he received his own facial scarring, bearing one blinded eye. She almost wondered about it, but she was too busy marching closer, ever closer, but still staying just out of easy reach, half-tail held high, eyes narrow, fangs flashing white against the darkness of her pelt. She thought about darting in and taking a nice chunk out of him for pissing her off. Watching him a moment longer she purred, "Gunna get off your ass and stop looking like a lump of lard, or what?" clearly trying desperately to push his buttons. It was way more fun to push someone over the edge than to leap at 'em without provoking the irritants a little first.

Walk. "Talk" "You" Think

Table image by InstantCoyote