
EVENT: Mysterious Tracks



5 Years
Extra large
05-24-2017, 11:26 PM
One by one they arrived onto the scene. It seemed she only had to wait a few seconds before her observation of the need for more participants in the tracking of this creature was met with the arrival of several creatures perfect for the task and already thinking along the same lines as she was. Perfect!

She'd waited to answer the ivory girl when the - lynx, apparently - approached. Her words caught before they really started as Phenex arrived. She listened to him and nodded, turning back to the other two female creatures and offered up a smile that didn't really reach her eyes, "Between the four of us I'm sure we'll make quick work of tracking down this mystery creature, supposing everyone here is interested?" she let the half-question hang in the air a moment before moving over toward Hailey and asking, "What do you make of the fur there?" gesturing towards the barely visible bits of hair on the snow, difficult to make out but still one of the biggest clues available to the group. Observation of it's color, and length might start to yield clues. She eyed it a bit, waiting to see if the others had anything to say, then started following the scent and tracks again.

Her nose wrinkled a bit, brow furrowing as she took deeper whiffs of the smell that accompanied the tracks. Salt, freshness. Not something she typically associated with large animals. It was bigger than most bears in this area by far, and she couldn't think of too many creatures this big! Nose pressed to the ground she followed, tail high and swishing slightly side to side indicating she was quite focused on the search. Gold eyes scanned ahead a bit but she let her nose do most of the leading. Towards the trees, she pressed onward, stopping when she found more prints, easier to make out now that they weren't placed in deep banks of snow. Calling to the others, she asked, "Does anyone know what this track looks like?" Guesswork had her settling more confidently on predator, perhaps a bigger species of bear, a polar bear? Did they even come here? What else was there? Snow leopard, maybe? "Bear, cat, something else maybe?"