
EVENT: Mysterious Tracks



9 Years
Other species

Snake EyesNorthern ExplorerValentines 2020Critical Fail!
05-25-2017, 08:29 AM
Where in hell can you go?

Natha watched calmly as yet another wolf joined them.  My, they were getting quite the hunting party together.  Her ears twitched a bit at the mention of some creature named Pyralis who might like to… eat this beast?  Natha made a face.  That was assuming they even wanted to try and kill whatever it was that was moving around and about.  Something that might be able to eat them without any trouble.  The tracks were clearly that of a predator and her experience, in desperate times, of the meat of predators was a greasy, dissatisfying mess.  However, she was a feline and not a wolf.  Their tastes ran differently.

Natha crouched over a set of tracks, ears still sharp and alert in case whatever it was was coming back.  The scent was crisp and clear, nothing to heavy or thick.  Her eyes narrowed at the hint of saltiness to scent.  That didn't bode well.  Whatever it was must have spent a great deal of time near the ocean but been capable enough of travel to move significantly farther inland. She glanced up at the dark-pelted female and nodded her agreement. "I too would like to see what manner of beast has entered this domain."  The girl asked about the fur and Natha moved forward, her keen eyes picking out strands of pale, or translucent fur in the snow.  It was hard to tell at first.  Carefully she slipped her paw part way under the strands, letting them stand out against the black of her paw pads in startling contrast as the pale woman spoke.   "Seals would not be able to move this far inland."  Not to mention the tracks would be significantly different.   "But a polar bear…"  she looked up to meet the woman's bright green eyes.  "I think you may be on to something and I don't like it, I don't like it one bit."

"Does anyone know what this track looks like?  Bear, cat, something else maybe?"

Natha set down the strands of fur and followed the trail toward the trees where the snowfall had lessened to pull up next to the dark-pelted woman.  She gazed at the tracks then reached out and put her own paw down next to one of the other tracks lifting it up. "Let us compare.  Most of my kin keep our claws sheathed to keep them sharp. We will not leave claw marks when we walk like bears and canines."  She peered down at the tracks.  "Hmm… are all the tracks the same or are the back paws different?  Any one spy anything?"   She let her paw hover over the track, trying to get a size measurement in comparison to her own paws.