
Now my head is on backwards



3 Years
05-25-2017, 10:09 PM
Through the hourglass I saw you;
I'll be damned if you slip away!
Angra had not said a word since they had arrived, and it was something that really hadn't bothered the beast that walked by her side. As her brother, he had heard enough of the she-devil's nagging to last a lifetime, but he loved her. She was his family, his ward, something precious for their bloodline and the last remaining member of their family aside from himself. When finally her words struck his ears, they were strung and blended with some of her more colorful linguistic art, and it made him grin deviously at her. "Things were getting...too hot at home. I thought we could use a change of scene. Somewhere better to fuck shit up, with more places to hide should things get sideways." He had a deep voice, one that sounded as though gravel knocked together the way it rumbled. He wrapped himself around her back, putting her between his limbs and nipping up toward the base of her skull. "Calm yourself, love. Don't need bloodshed on our first day in town, we should save that for our house warming party." He wrapped his neck around hers until he could place his head on her shoulder and look up at her with bright, jade green eyes that beamed innocently at her.

The pair had never been a couple to do anything without a game plan first, and it would seem that even though she was in a bad mood, she didn't want to move forward until she knew their goal. To be honest, Ahura hadn't thought that far ahead, he only saw them get here. He only wanted them safe. Now that they were, he wasn't sure what to do with their safety. He knew he wanted to fuck shit up though, and they would do just that once they found a hideout that wouldn't mind the heat. 'What the fuck are we gonna do here, anyways?' Angra asked, her pretty voice rivaling that of any songbird, but her words foul as any crab's. Pulling his wife closer to his chest with his chin, Ahura chuckled into her ear. "I believe we should at least find a pack, they could provide protection while we come to know this land. You know they will have food. I hate having to go with the common rabble, but it would seem there is no choice. We can go around and decide which is best suited for our particular needs, and go from there. Other than that, I am all ears, my darling sister. The devilish male grinned and gave his mate's ear a lick, nuzzling into her ruff.

thinking. | you. | Ahura.
Beware the Mad Reaper! Ahura is a wolf capable of unspeakable violence, very adult language, and really bad moods! Thread with caution!