



4 Years
05-26-2017, 05:33 PM

Rage bit into her heart, hot and bitter. What were the gods doing?! Why would the allow this to happen to her mother? A foreign scent caught her attention and she leapt forward to place herself between Katja and Lykos as she snarled a vicious warning. "Be gone fool! I know you are one of Avalon's whore-spawn, get back to your bitch queen before I rip your limbs off and beat you with them." She didn't want to hear the young man's words. She knew him only as one of Avalon's brats. The woman who had tried to protect Vereux, the traitor, from the wrath of Yfir and she had no interest in dealing with any of the family, especially not when her mother was in such a state. She didn't need his help. If Ræsa wanted to she could help with the kill. Naudir's principal discipline may not have been battle but it was killing and she did not fear this man.

A low growl slipped from Katja's chest and Naudir's eyes closed for a moment, just a moment. She didn't want to hear these words. She didn't want to hear about Elli, not right now. They'd only just gotten back together, surely the gods could spar her mother longer? "I'm sorry mother, it has been a difficult year." She relaxed her stance but continued to glare at the stranger. In her mind this was a private family affair and she wasn't interested the least in foreign company. Ræsa met her gaze and Naudir nodded and jerked her muzzle off toward the trees, signaling that Ræsa was free to hunt but she would stay here with her mother. Even if the foreigner could be trusted she had no way to know if the idiot had been followed and if more of Avalon's brood might be coming behind him.

Soon her ravens returned, scraps of meet clutched in their claws. "Mother, my ravens are back." The birds fluttered down to land near her mother, setting down the scraps of meat then taking off to land on Naudir's back. "Should we get more?" Naudir nodded. "Ræsa will be back with fresh kill soon but I see not how a little extra will hurt." In truth she was getting rather hungry herself but would wait til her mother had been tended to. Soon Ræsa and her feline returned with food.

"I have a temporary den not far from here. Mother, would you like us to take you there?" Again, she wasn't fond of the idea of a stranger seeing where she was staying but she had every intention of keeping a close eye on him should he decide to keep following them.
