
Tangled In The Great Escape



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-27-2017, 04:11 AM

The man saw her, though she was probably hard to miss anyway with her size. He approached, and she frowned slightly at his words. So he didn't know what they were either? That was disappointing, though she figured he wouldn't if she didn't. She could tell he was younger, though not by much. At least by a year or so, and she didn't come across many wolves as old or as close to her age. They were usually several years younger, and because of that she often felt ancient which was an icky feeling. "Oh, well...thank you. I was hoping someone would know," She smiled sweetly as she stopped a few feet from him. Amber gaze looked him over, trying to figure out what sort of wolf he was. She knew there were different species, but he was different. And...impressive looking.

Tan ruffled her feathers, sharp brown eyes looking at the man. "Where are your manners, dog? Are you just gonna stand there, or do you have a name?" She quipped from her perch on Avalon's back. Of course, Avalon was surprised by the birds remark. Quickly, she turned her head to look at her, "Tanaraq! That's rude, don't you think?" Her voice was stern, waiting for an answer. "I've been hanging around your boys too long, but really, I would like to know his name so I know what to call him. After all, I don't think "Dog" is his name." She peered at the stranger from between the wolfess' ears. Sighing, Avalon looked at the male, embarrassment flooding her. "I'm sorry, she's usually not so rude...erm, my name is Avalon. What might I call you? Your name isn't 'dog', is it?" She lightly giggled, trying to add a bit of humor to the situation after Tan's bold teasing.
"Talk" "You" Think


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