

Lykos I


5 Years
Extra large
05-27-2017, 04:36 AM
And Dragon didn't even care. again, Lykos tried to explain. Even if it was through emotions, he still tried to explain Instead, his brother just focused on the first sentence he said, with narrow tunnel-vision and ignored everything else. Of course he would; Lykos was saying that Dragon wasn't a good brother to begin with. Dragon would ignore anything that threatened to put him in the wrong, and so his brother had very... very selective hearing. And the bastard wondered why Lykos was so bitter and angry towards the family.

The same bitterness flooded his entire body, and he swallowed hard to keep his mouth shut, his eyes sparkling with what was quickly becoming almost hatred. Right now, it was a deep bitterness and resentment. Instead he listened as Dragon spoke to Gryphon, who once again defended his position with stubbornness, aggression and anger. Was there anything that Dragon would do with maturity? With a clear head? With... not assuming he was always right and everyone else was wrong and it didn't matter what was said? Somehow, Lykos didn't think so.

He didn't have time to dwell on it when an overly familiar sight appeared, and the male's body tensed up immediately, even more so than it had been than before. His lip twitched in a suppressed snarl as he stared at the woman. The cause of a lot of issues. and of course, she would immediately try to take over the situation, because she couldn't just well leave them alone, could she? She was the mother and had to watch over her children to make sure they didn't fight, yet she sure as hell didn't have a problem accusing one of her sons of being a worthless traitor! The anger that threatened to burst out was held inside, but it didn't hide the burning look of condemnation in his eyes as he tore them from his mother back to his brother. You know, the one who thought he was right all the time.

It snapped back almost violently at the apology. Was she really? Or was she just sorry that her actions practically lost her another child? Okay, maybe he was being a bit irrational at this point, but it was definitely hard to reign in. Lykos took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. He wondered: if he were to try discussing the same issue with her, would she still insist she was right? Would she try defending her position or would she actually listen? And sad to say, but Lykos couldn't determine which it would be.

Dragon did quickly change his tune when their mother arrived. Who was really in control here? Was it Dragon, or was he just a puppet of his mother? His mother said something. Believed in an instant without further proof. His mother snaps at him. He bows immediately to the lecture. It seemed Dragon was no more an individual than the leaf on a tree, and he wasn't sure Dragon nor Avalon was fully aware of it.

Still, his gaze turned from her to Gryphon, listening while he still spoke. He detailed it precisely, and even respectfully; there was literally no way for her to interpret it as another "traitorous" action. Or so Lykos hoped. Or would she just feel hurt like her kid abandoned her for not being perfectly obedient, and then try to guilt trip Gryphon into backing down? Neither would work. Lykos could see that no matter what their mother did, Gryphon would stand firm on his decision. At least with the way Gryphon worded it, it was clear how he felt, that he still cared, and that he was going for rational and calm.

Something Lykos was unable to do at the moment, and something he acknowledged internally completely and fully. It was hard to really focus on what he was saying with the emotions raging inside of him, but he was able to catch the gist. It revolved around her, and how she no longer was capable of making choices for the family due to how a lot of those choices ended in.... ruin. Lykos could definitely see that, but he remained - tried to - expressionless as he listened.

This was why he respected Gryphon, and why he lost respect for the rest of his family. His mother called them young and naive - something that made his fur bristle briefly - and yet Gryphon deflected it flawlessly, and in a manner that wasn't insulting, just... matter-of-fact. That she was clinging to the fact that they had grown up, though everyone still had learning to do. He made it seem rational, logical, and if she were to take that out... she'd not be seen as abandoning the family, but gracefully standing aside for the new generation.

He was captivated by it, and even a slight smile of approval had appeared on his face, so when Gryphon looked at him, that smile was still there. And when Gryphon spoke, Lykos was appreciative that it wasn't a dismissal, but something... else that he couldn't quite put a word on. Lykos' smile stayed as he gave a single nod of agreement, not bowing to his brother but... respecting what he said. Lykos gave another nod when Gryphon mentioned that they'd talk more later, the smile widening briefly. Yes, they would, and that time it would be a... proper discussion.

That smile quickly dropped off his face at Gryphon's parting shot, his eyes blinking rapidly, a look of pure surprise crossing his face, his jaw evening opening once before closing it, before another smile, a genuine one, lifted the corners of his mouth and he turned away chuckling. Alright, he had absolutely no response to that one. "Take care, brother," he murmured warmly, before turning and walking away without looking back.

-exit Lykos-


art by birmapus