
turn off all the lights

Dragomir I


06-27-2013, 08:28 PM

He was chuckling, though he wasn't certain if he was doing it out loud or if it was simply resounding in his mind. It didn't much matter to him, all that mattered was her. He could see her now, following after him like a good little girl, tending to his every whim and doing just as he asked. She would hunt with Maija, and - unlike his despicable companion - would fulfill certain carnal desires that Maija always seemed to narrowly avoid. The woman, much like the golden woman that plagued him night and day, chided that she was worth more than being a piece in a set. "Oh of course precious, you will be much more - you will be the first in my set." Every word rang out sinister in nature, with a haunting tone that lingered long after his jaws closed. Deep, ragged breaths were drawn in through flared nostrils as she told him he was mistaken. "First rule of being in my collection: I am never wrong."

He clicked his jaws shut testily, showing her he had no mercy for those who broke his rules. Of course, it all made sense in his mind, though she would likely only see it as a scare tactic and nothing more. His tail danced and coiled behind him like a serpent. "The real question is.." he paused, taking in those same deep, ragged breaths through agape jaws. "are you going to come willingly or am I going to have to take you by force?" His deep accent was more noticeable when Rotterdam was present, though his words were very much distinguishable if one paid enough attention.

Even now he was preparing himself for a battle. Most women he took into his harem did not come without a fight, and he had a feeling she would be the same. Twisting his body into a defensive position he laid his ears against his skull and furled his tail out for balance. His head lowered to a position parallel to his spine whilst his lips curled up into a silent snarl. This would be fun fight or no fight. He hoped for time's sake that there would be no fight, though beating this girl up would be exciting enough on its own.

"Speech" (Translation)