
Big bad king of the sea


06-27-2013, 08:43 PM
Posiden huffed as he walked up the mountain side. Why he wanted to get to the top. He had no clue. He just wanted to be left alone. Posieden's dark navy eyes locked right infront of him he trudged on. His thick black coat absorbing the daylight and making him fry. The heat became near unbearable. Time for a break.?

?He forced to a stop. Half colapsing half laying on the ground ground beneath a shaded tree. Locusts buzzed around him as the sun began to set. The red horizon facenated him. Poseiden didn't belive in beauty but he did appreciate the red sun's brilliance. His ears flicked back as he heard somthing alittle ways up the mountain.

?He turned his head to see a wounded elk, limping it's way along the slope. It was upwind of him so it didn't smell him. The large bull licked the wound on its front right ankle but when he went to set it down it buckled and the hoof toppled to the side, causeing it to scream in agony.?

Poseiden licked it arsenal of jagged white teeth. He crouched low as the elk drew near. Once it was afew yards away he pounce on it, head on into its throat. The elk attempted to run but set its bad ankle down sending it and Poseiden tumbling down the slope. Poseiden managed to latch onto the elks belly and grab onto its throat with his jaws as he slammed its skull into a rock so hard it broke off it's antlers and split it's skull.

?He dragged the carcad into the shade and immidately went to bust open the ribs for the soft insides. He wanted to make quick work of the meal before another wolf came and he'd have to beat it off.