
ONE Naamon Pup!!



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-28-2017, 08:58 PM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2017, 09:05 PM by Amon.)
Guys, I'm so excited. I can't even right now.

OKAY! So here's the scoop. Naamah and Amon are having their first litter. These will (obvs) be Amon's first pups born on site. Bird and I are super stoked to see such a long-awaited plot come to frutition and we hope some of you are too <3

If you're unfamiliar with the Abraxas (where you been, homie) you can check out more about them here!

Naamah's profile is here and Amon is being posted with!

So let's lay down some expectations. This family group has a lot goin' on right now and we're looking for active players to keep that up! Real life happens and no one's perfect, but we would like to see at least 1 post every week! Prolonged inactivity may result in the pup being reclaimed! Names ought to be either demonic/ancient in origin, or themed with Greek/Latin/Arabic influence! Some examples include:

Abaddon, Acacious, Adela, Ælfgar, Aelius, Aenor, Aetius, Agares, Alastor, Andras, Ansgar, Anso, Anzo, Anzu, Arcadius, Archelaus, Argyros, Ariston, Ása, Ashoka, Athanas, Atilius, Audamar, Aurelius, Avila, Bael, Baldwin, Bard, Belial, Berith, Cadeyrn, Callias, Cassian, Cyrillus, Dantalion, Dareios, Deumus, Dion, Drakon, Eadric, Elisedd, Eurynome, Eydis, Fáelan, Floriana, Fólki, Gaiana, Gaios, Gaius, Gallus, Godric, Gremory, Hákon, Hesiod, Lamia, Leraje, Malphas, Marax, Marchosaias, Naberius, Oriax, Pretas, Raum, Ronove, Sallos, Seere, Shax, Sitri, Stolas, Vassago, Xaphan, Zagan. More found here!

Let's move on to some designs!! <3 More may be added as time goes on!





More possibly to come!

What We're Looking For:
A.) A Pup pass! We were only given two free pups, which Bird and I will be claiming. Preference will be given to players who can provide their own, but we may be able to help out depending on how solid your app is the circumstances!
B.) Extra Height! There will be a 50% discount on height up to 42" as Amon and Naamah are both direwolves! Most of the Abraxas babies are humungo so it'd be awesome if this pup could be as well!
C.) A Family Player! We're looking for someone who is excited to be in the Abraxas plots and wants to interact with other family members! There are so many now, there are always threads around to hop into! (Still feel free to throw twists into your dynamic, of course!)
D.) One final note, Even if you already play an Abraxas character, we'd still love to see an app from you! With as many litters and branches as this family has developed, they are bound to spring up different plots all for themselves. If you feel this character would give you another unique perspective or you have an idea for a unique addition to the Abraxas line (and feel you can keep up both characters,) feel free to apply!

Copy this code to apply! <3
<b>Name: </b>
<b>Gender: </b>
<b>Design: </b> #?
<b>Height: </b> Inches?
<b>Personality: </b>At least 200 words please!
<b>Plans: </b>Where do you want them to go in life? What are your plans, long-term and short term? How do you see them interacting with the family? Sell us, people. Why is your character the best one?

Good luck all, and thanks for your interest! <3

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!