
Too Much To Think



7 Years
Extra large
05-28-2017, 11:56 PM

The mixed emotions swimming through her mind were about to drive her insane. She wanted to explode, throw herself in the water, something, anything to just ease the tension. She'd gone from a fairly normal interaction - for her at least - to whatever this mess was. Thank goodness the hormonal disaster that was unraveling her only happened for one season. Smacking at the water with one paw Mara was about ready to go look for something to rip into when the man spoke. He was still here? Right. Where else would he be?

She wasn't going to say anything to his words at first, busy probably making her own predicament worse by getting all worked up for no reason, yet she found herself searching for words. It would be easy to let him just walk away. She should just let him go. Fuck, this shouldn't even be a question, the fact that she was mulling this over was weird and just... Ugh! She'd be awkward enough feeling like she did normally but the whole interaction so far was just throwing her off more and she didn't know what to do with herself. Her head turned a bit to look at him, eyes filled with what could only be described as absolutely overwhelming uncertainty and the faintest hint of vulnerability. That was probably why she was stressing like a mad. Mara didn't do vulnerable, or uncertain, or whatever the mess she was becoming was. All she could think was what she'd normally do. Fight it.

Looking at the man she'd previously been so intent on irritating and being completely pissed at, she saw an answer. But hell if it didn't feel strange to be thinking this way. She'd never once considered such things, not a single time. What did she have to lose? She didn't speak, if she did she was scared that she'd say something weird or dumb or maybe decide to get annoyed and lash out. Instead Mara walked slowly, carefully over the rocky ground towards the man until she was closer than even she would normally be comfortable with. Moving to brush against him with a gentleness she'd never used before with another living creature Mara would find herself in terribly close proximity to the brute, her mind still losing it's shit,  but her body quite happy with this decision.

In true Mara form she wouldn't mince words, but opt instead to continue brushing along his side and start walking away from the beach, beckoning for him to follow with a wave of her tail. She wasn't about to be caught in the open, not  when thoughts of the only wolves she really gave a crap about had continued to sit in the back of her mind. No, it would be better to go somewhere dark so she could hide the choices she'd probably regret from ever seeing the light of day. Rash decisions were best carried out in the dark. Or at least no where easily seen.

"Talk" "You" Think
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Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.