
Conquer the stars



7 Years
Extra large
05-29-2017, 01:13 AM

She shouldn't be surprised that this girl was still persisting in whatever it was she was trying to achieve. It had been made quite clear to Mara that this was someone who spoke her mind and didn't seem to give up. That would almost be admirable if it wasn't annoying as hell. The sound of paws padding along behind her once more was soon followed by more bold talk. What was this kids deal? Ah, who cared. If Mara could shake the little pest that would be great. If not... It would be a long trek.

"Oh, joy. But I think I'll let you den in the dark by yourself if that's cool, I'm happy to look around and then leave thanks." At first she considered joking about the girl growing big ol teeth like a mole if she spent too much time in the dark here, but that was too much chatting and not amusing enough to warrant the effort.

"We may as well get introduced then,"
Let's not.
"I'm Saffron. I was born in the North-" Oh, so we're really doing this, huh? Great.

The girl rambled on with an abbreviated life-story that Mara wasn't too keen on hearing but she'd be damned if this kid was gunna annoy her out of the cave. Mara was always annoyed, bring it, like some little brat could honestly top all the irritating crap she'd already dealt with. She kept marching, keeping alert and trying her best to listen to the echoes on the walls to better understand what her surroundings were like despite the younger wolf who kept going on, and on, and oh yay questions Mara didn't wanna answer, oh joy.  She'd have eyed the kid sidelong if it wasn't absolutely pitch black. The dark was overwhelming, yet oddly comfortable. She'd have liked it more without the thorn in her side, though.

"What on earth is a hobby?" she began, not really sure to be honest. Was it like, how Mara enjoyed spending most of her free time picking fights? Or what? Clearly that was something she missed while running off in search of some alone time when she was little. "And friends aren't a necessity anyways... As for my name, if you absolutely must know it's Mara." She only offered her calling to avoid having this persistent girl resort to being extra annoying and calling her lady or something stupid. "What brings me here is a long and... Well, it's just a bit of a tale." she muttered, happy to leave it at that. Most people didn't really care to learn that Mara'd spent a great deal of time following her brother around and beating the crap out of anyone who got in their way. Or she figured they wouldn't, she'd never had the chance or desire to share personal details like that. Shrugging, she finished with, "I wanna be here because like anyone worth talking to I enjoy a little darkness. That and there's not much else to do, so I may as well walk around with some chatty yearling."

"Talk" "You" Think
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Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.