
World is what you make it


06-27-2013, 09:00 PM

Glaciem was a pretty interesting place. How her mother and brother had come across this place she hadn't the slightest clue, but she was glad that they had. It was one of the most beautiful places she had ever seen, especially now that it was winter. The land was covered in powdery ivory snow, a thin blanket now that winter was beginning to come to a close. She really mind the winter, it wasn't too bad, especially if you had someone warm to curl up to at the end of the day or a warm place to sleep in at night. Seraphiel wasn't sure how long it had been since she had been in Glaciem, but she guessed it be at least a few weeks, maybe a month or so. Time seemed to fly by. For the first couple of weeks she had mostly stuck around with her mother and brother, preferring their company to that of a strangers. But after a while, being stuck in the den and the surrounding area had gotten really boring, really fast. And so the russet youth was finally out and about, exploring her new home. She wasn't exactly sure where she wanted to explore, just that she wanted to explore Glaciem. She was nearly and adult and needed to learn how to do things on her own without the help of her mother.

Russet and obsidian paws moved easily through the thinning snow, sapphire gems scanning the vast landscape before her, looking for any signs of her fellow pack mates. Since her arrival she hadn't met anyone except for Miss Oceana, the pretty alpha who had allowed her to stay inside of Glaciem with her family. The youth was still curious as to who the Chief was, but she figured she would meet him sooner or later. A cool afternoon breeze swept into the area, rustling the young girl's fur as well as bringing a strange scent to her nostrils. Seraphiel halted for a moment, muzzle thrust into the breeze, nostrils flaring. The scent was of a woman, and she smelled like Glaciem. A pack mate. Curiosity bubbled to the surface, spurring the young woman forward as she trailed the scent of the elder woman, sapphire gaze coming across her figure inside of a small snow hole. What are you doing inside there? She asked curiously, head tilting quizzically to the side. She was rather blunt, not the type of person to hold her thoughts back, regardless if the other person was a stranger or not.

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