

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
05-29-2017, 06:14 PM
~I Follow Your Lies To Avoid From Getting Lost~
 Kait didn’t argue, her gaze focused on the male as she waited for his next movement. Perhaps, somewhere in the skies above, the Gods her mother once believed in were finally saying a prayer for the damned. The girl wouldn’t resist, in fact the idea of bearing this man’s children, while scary, was also a bit exciting at the same time. She didn’t doubt that was what he’d want… and Kaitlyn almost welcomed it. She was no lover of his, she knew, but at least she could pretend that there was something there more than just the simple desire of possession. If she bore him children then maybe, maybe she’d be at least worthy of the title of being their mother. The children of a massive man… but what if her own genetics hindered them? What if they came out impossibly small…?

Kait remained still, though soft gasps and moans escaped her as the brute worked. Her body began to crave him, her own desire growing stronger than before. She knew, somewhere deep down, that this was wrong… but why did it feel so right? Why did it feel like, at long last, she found her place in this cruel world? Somewhere in her broken mind Mad began to cackle, though even Proxy felt badly for this damaged girl. This was hardly what Kait deserved… yet here she was, submitting to her fate.


The breeding had brought forth pain, and Kait did her best to keep on her paws. Her body ached, and she had bled… her first time being rough on her body. But Kait kept her eyes closed, breathing in and out as she worked on steadying herself. Her mind felt drunk on the feeling as well… somewhere within she had liked the feeling of the male on top of her. When she opened her eyes they were focused on her front paws as the male sat there cleaning her coat. It had been a lot… a lot on her small body. She trembled a little, but slowly lifted her gaze to her king and gave a small smile through her hurts.

“If my King feels the need to go again, we’ll go as many times as necessary.” Kaitlyn said softly, panting out the words. The thought of babies stirring in her belly made her excited…but she was scared too. Kaitlyn was fighting with herself… trying to accept this and at the same time tell herself that she’d never be loved in the way she wanted. But there was also some part of Kait that didn’t care. Things were already done… there was no going back now.


Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.