
i'm the king of everything and my tongue is a weapon



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
05-30-2017, 11:37 AM
Though truthfully he felt a bit skeptical, he was mostly curious. His father had taught him that religion tended to be something not everyone agreed on, and many preferred not to speak of at all - he felt a bit more open about things, but he wasn't exactly in the mood to argue with her. Not today, at least, though the idea of a friendly argument about such things didn't sound totally unappealing.  His ears flicked at her words, finding himself unsettled - in a good way, if that was possible - by her ominous words. "I suppose you're probably on to something," Kai admitted, though he'd be just as quick to follow her into this cavern if she seemed inclined. His eyes narrowed, seeking something in the darkness, but to no avail.

Her question had him perplexed. He spoke of such things sometimes with his father, but not quite so.. deeply. His father had never spoke of hearing directly from the gods, but simply sensing them all around him. Was the knowledge that they were there not enough? "I sorta meant.. I felt physically compelled, I guess?" Kai offered, his head tilting slightly to the side. "The gods didn't speak to me." The thought of them speaking to him directly was quite interesting, though he hadn't experienced anything like that yet.

He nodded slowly at her words. Maybe she was sent from the gods to warn him of danger? She spoke so certainly that he wasn't sure if it would be wise to ignore her warnings. "Maybe you're right," he said tentatively, his nose twitching. Nothing in here seemed terribly interesting anyway.. right? Either way, he could check things out later, when she wasn't around, though he had an urge to take her premonition to heart for some odd reason. "Thanks, Naudir. Travel well." The yearling offered a faint smile, nodding before turning to clamber up the incline of the crevice and back the way he'd come.

- exit -