
The Angriest Baby [CLOSED]



7 Years
05-30-2017, 12:51 PM (This post was last modified: 07-05-2017, 11:52 PM by Ruthgar.)
So Monster and I were granted three puppy slots with two free pups, Monster and I have already picked our kids but if anyone is interested in taking the third slot this offer is open to anyone who is willing to pay for at least half of the extra pup slot, if not buy it outright. There are however a few things you should be aware of before applying;

-Mara and Ruthgar don't like each other at all. They would much rather scream and cuss each other out if not full out fight each other, than pretend to be civil for the sake of their pups. While Ruthgar will love his kids to death and be as best of a father as he can, he will only see Mara as the mother of his pups and nothing more.

-These kids will be raised in The Crew please be aware of the culture and lifestyle that comes along with that, particularly the indifference they have to outsiders.

-Ruthgar and Mara have no commitment to each other, Ruthgar in particular will keep being a bachelor for as long as he can and may innevitably settle down but definately not with Mara, likewise Mara will be free to pursue her own love life or lack thereof.

What you do with this information is entirely up to you, how the character reacts to these situations is based solely on the individual.


While Ruthgar's names can be easily picked from This generatror Mara would try to make life particularly hard for Ruthgar by naming the kids things that sound like curse words in his accent such as Deck, Kent, Nepal, and Bested, she may also name her children something he outright can't pronounce such as Carl, Alarm, Burglar, and Renegade.

Here are the two designs I came up with for these two but if you have your own it will need to be approved by both myself and Monster [We're not exactly hardasses tho lmao]

And finally the adoption Form

<b> Design:</b>
<b> Personality:</b> [Must be at least 150 words]
<b> Sample Post:</b> [Must be at least 150 words]
<b> Amount willing to pay for pass:</b>