
The Angriest Baby [CLOSED]



5 Years
05-30-2017, 01:08 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2017, 08:49 PM by Angra.)

Name: Deck Allantide


30'' -- Medium build

Deck is a mix of both of his parents in appearance. His base coat color is a dark gray, one that could appear ebony in the right lighting. A much darker gray, this cone closer to ebony, covers part of his body. It starts near the top of his snout, stretching towards his eyes and his cheeks, although his bottom jaw is still the same dark gray as his base coat. Deck has a small dot above each eye, the same color as the darker gray. The tips of his ears are coated in darker gray as well.

The ebony covers Deck's back, starting at his scruff and ending near the tip of his tail. Occasionally, it seems to branch off, stretching down his front legs and covering the fur on his back legs. A strand of ebony is near his stomach, just far enough to not be part of the markings there. His tail is mostly ebony, with the exception of other markings. A much lighter gray covers his undersides, starting at his chest and going down towards the end of his tail. The insides of his ears are the lighter gray as well.

A medium gray can be found on his face, covering part of his cheeks. A much lighter cream covers the very ends of the fur on her cheeks, a sudden contrast compared to the brown. The cream goes down the side of Deck's neck, near the ebony that covered his back. A marking of brown can be found near the center of Deck's back, stretching towards his shoulder. The same cream is in the center of this marking. The very tip of Deck's tail is brown.

Deck has light gray markings, almost silver in color. These markings are nothing major, for the most part. Two small speckles can be found on his shoulder, one higher up and the second closer down, towards his elbow. A larger marking of silver can be found between Deck's eyes, and would be one of the first things another may be drawn to at first.

Deck's eyes are a vivid, fiery orange. His eyes are almost like flames, and are shockingly bright against the darker fur that surrounds them.

Gender: Male

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