
And so it begins


06-27-2013, 09:53 PM
Snow slushed under his feet as the young male wandered his way towards, well he didn't quite know. He'd been around the area a few times, scenting wolves here and there but...never quite wanting to meet them face to face. He figured a pack patrol wouldn't take kindly to his trespassing on these lands, so he hid out at these caves that he had found recently. The only downside? This place felt eerily cold and the walls themselves were in depression and despair. The blonde guy wandered in, ears twitching to the sound of water dripping from the roof of the caverns. The cold air echoed and reverberated off the walls around him, adding that much more of the eery feeling. The air chilled his bones, yet at the same time he didn't exactly feel cold. He was a sucker for water after all, so spring was his favorite time of year. When the spring time thawed the rivers and lakes, opening them for him to play and practice. He was an athlete, it was obvious with his lean powerful legs and body. He was quick to the chase, and loved competition. Why, he was even on the verge of creating a new sport! He just didn't know what he'd call it yet...but he had spotted humans doing it one time with a black and white ball, kicking it across the ground at each other. He knew what that was. But for this, he wanted something entirely new. Never did the young man tire of finding new ideas or ways to do things. And with him constantly being bored in this wasteland, he needed something to do.

No sooner had he lied down on the rocks, when he decided to get up again. Sighing, he watched his breath frost before his eyes. He padded out of the caverns into the bright light outside, his eyes already adjusted to the eerily silent world. Taking in a breath, he let it out with a grunt and walked a little towards the east side of the rocks. There he knew there was a small pool of water to drink, and his throat demanded to be satisfied.
He dipped his muzzle in the freezing cold waters, and took several long gulps. With eyes as clear and blue as the Arctic's bluest water, he gazed around at his surroundings. Empty. Always...empty. Glancing at the water again, he leaped in the small pool, the water washing over him. It was freezing! But he didn't care, water was what he loved. He brought his head up above the water, letting it lap at his shoulders. With his paws standing on some rocks at the bottom, he cast his gaze to the sky, and yelled.