
stomach to the floor


06-27-2013, 10:16 PM

Most would ask questions; offering an inquiring and sceptical gape as they tried to push and pull at her reasoning?s, tug haphazardly at the strings of her mind and pry free the exposing truth beneath. They would ask her why, implore and plead for her to present elucidation: why, why? Why had she torn apart a family, attempted to over-throw a competent leader and thieve all that had been his? Hell, she wouldn?t even have a good answer when they did. Thus was the way of the world, eh? Wolves were prevalent creatures, with particular and multifarious hierarchy; always thriving to slither closer to the top. Some would be happy mid-field, coil their tails about their haunches as they leisurely watched the world glide by, but not Eos. No, others would reach and reach, further and further for the buoyant arms of greatness, and any who stood before them, any who attempted to barrier their ambitions, they?d rip and tear at all they were; attempting to overshadow them both physically and mentally, drown their psyche in reality and burn their cadaver in pre-eminence. These wolves would either fail or succeed, and Eos? journey had only just begun; success in her arms reach, failure chasing urgently behind her.

He?d done it again, and it disturbed her. Made her clench her jaw in fraught frustration, bigoted rage bubbling over the brims of her lash-line, simmering against the frigid kiss of winter-air as her veins throbbed simultaneously with an ever-sweltering lava. She wanted nothing more than to end this, to see the colossal beast deteriorate beneath her swords, crimson staining his pelt with glory; signifying the youth?s immense victory and he spluttered desperate last words. She was so convinced she couldn?t miss, and yet again and again this beast, this flesh-boiling bastard, had managed to survive her attacks of peril. His throat should have lay open before her, fizzing as oxygen absorbed his blood, as dreams stole his spirit from reality. He should have been next to dead. But somehow, beyond expectation, the idiotic fool had managed to struggle free from her grasp, and with a few eager skates he slipped inelegantly from her; the ladies jaws snapping in his wake, reaching so urgently for his tail as it lured her away from her standing forte. This had to end.

The distance between them pained her, made her skin crawl and yearn for his contact; like a teenager drawn her to lover, Eos craved the sinister touch of flesh on flesh, of her jaws embracing his blood stream, the faded throbbing of his heart against her ribs, the heat of his wounded breath against her collar as he fought for his existence. He watched her from his new safety-point, mind ticking, eyes flashing; the russet lady stood, rigid as a slate of lumber, muscles trembling with exhilaration, body emerging almost as if in an agonizing tremor as she longed so stalwartly to be in his contact again, fuelled by the endless rushes of adrenaline that shook her system to its core. A heavy string of saliva crawled from lips to earth, tongue lapping ravenously, flicking in and out of her maw like a fanatical monster; oh how badly she wanted him. She lowered her chassis to the earth, unstabilized by the endless quaking of her muscles, the anticipation of contact overwhelming body and mind.

A twisted grin etched eerie features, a sickening and suggestive curve of his damaged personality. His lemon gaze rested upon the banshee, the shuddering and quaking mess in all she was; a tremoring, salivating, crumbling image of apparent psychosis. She gifted him only the interrupted drawl of gargling air, a rumbling of thwarted anger as bloodied lips pulled back against stained weaponry. Then, he charged, lumbering for her right side; but she wouldn?t stand there and let him bowl into her ribcage, let him feast upon her spine or be forced ruthlessly to the soil- no, she would charge back. Babe spun towards him, silently astounded by the male?s lack of lameness, forearms reached out before her, nape stretching as she darted towards him with momentum, dexterity; a few brief moments of speed and she would slow as he neared, ears flicking against feminine curves, eyes narrowing, elbows dropping alongside shoulders, dragging her chest ambitiously towards the earth. She maintained balance, tail flagged, scarcely through the flashing lunacy of her mind, swirling vision churning with sinister desire as the pair devoured detachment at comparable velocity.

She had had it all worked out; she?d hug the earth, stay low, lower than her opponent was capable of. He?d continue onwards, and with barely a second to spare Eos would duck beneath him, potentially avoiding his jaws and placing herself below him where she?d gnaw fanatically at his abdomen and drop his innards athwart the battlefield. But the male had other ideas, with barely a moment to spare he had dodged sideways, making a conservative reach for the right side of the banshee?s neck; but she was too low, and although the multi-hued brute would attain a fickle hold at the top of her scruff, it wouldn?t be enough to immobilize. Though still jaws grasped flesh, and all plans of the vixen?s original attack were rapidly crushed, the awkward sensation of upwards dragging bringing the lady to snap and yelp with frustration; sprays of saliva spittled lips like a ravenous mutant, ears pinning as rage pulsed through her voice-box in endless waves of quaking screams. But there was an unanticipated opportunity. Angles had been kind, and the stretched spine and jaws of her opponent had swung open stained windows; Eos didn?t need an invitation.

The beast continued to move, and while his pace was sound the russet queen had been able to maintain an awkward, sideways tempo, just sufficient to scarcely evade the risk of being dropped to the soil and dragged like a spineless doll; though still she struggled, ankles knocking each other as she grew evermore unhinged by the peculiar perspective.** A brief moment of calculation and Eos, being minor in comparison and in a low enough position, would once again strike out at his collar; skull twisting to the right, nape coiling and bursting forward in a few split seconds of unremitting ambition. Had he forgotten that the shallowest summit of his jugular was not in fact directly beneath his jaw, but almost mid-way down his exposed and tender neck? Apparently so, and while he held the russet babe close, snuggled her in a bitter embrace towards his chest, she would heartlessly perforate his vitals and tear out his oesophagus; this time, she would succeed, and bubbling crimson would mark her victory as she thrashed her skull relentlessly from side to side.

It would be enough. She would make sure it was enough. But regardless she seized yet another opportunity; Gargoyle was holding her at her right side, and so Eos had access to his right also- perfect. The rhythm of his wounded stride sounded within her drums, pounding at her listeners as they swivelled, timing, calculating. The hinds would reach, then the wounded front-left, next would be right-fore; well, that was if the plot-brewing banshee didn?t have a say in it. With as much precision as the ghoul was capable, weight swung around in a feeble attempt to place her chassis entirely in front of his own, scruff twisting, fraying beneath his hold, and simultaneously her right fore would reach beneath him, attempting to hook his sound leg as it stretched forwards and forced all weight on the torn tendons of his left limb. If she succeeded, there was no doubting he would fall, pain and physical limitation his defeat, and again he would be at the banshee?s mercy. A mercy that would no doubt, never come.

Though her new fluctuating, side-on position, timed with the male?s rocking gait, would cause her to lose her footing, unable to maintain rhythm at such an angle; scrambling legs striving only half-heartedly to keep her poise, before the youth would accept loss of stability and allow herself to fall. Pain rocketed down her spine as gravity reaped her from his orifice, a tender ounce of flesh splitting with near-ease from her scruff. It wasn?t an image of grace, but nor was it without its rewards; previous defences of narrowed eyes and tucked quarters began to unravel, a two-second moment of open-window opportunity as she dropped away from the beast, slightly to his left side. The abdomen, in all of its unprotected, flimsy and feeble glory, gurgled beneath thin skin as vital organs twisted and churned. Lip curled, an instant of weight-rocking as she attempted to reach upwards and leftwards with a single, endeavoured snaking motion; if she maintained access, she would slash her armaments so far into his tissue, a pathway of intestine and bile would untangle in his wake. To hell if he?d get over that one so effortlessly, the monster was tough, but he was no hero.

The end was near.

Eos vs. Gargoyle ? Round 4 of 4
** = Click for suspected angles -->HERE.

Attacks: Eos aims a partially blind snap at Gargoyle's tail as he ducks away from her, but this is nothing serious and merely a retaliation. Gargoyle charges towards her, and Eos charges back, staying low to the ground to try and dart beneath him- but he quickly changes direction and takes a hold on her scruff, leaving Eos snapping blindly for a few moments, then realizing he has given her an easy opportunity to rip at his throat. So she stretches beneath his hold, and aims a vicious bite right to the mid-way jugular (this sort of area = CLICK.), where again if she succeeds she will thrash her head from side to side. Hope slight attack repeats don't matter, wasn't much else she could do here, and it is a stronger attack. Anyway, Eos also see's another opportunity- with Gargoyle at her right side, and she facing his right also in front of him, she pivots her body slightly despite loss of balance and reaches out with her right fore-paw to hook his right limb as he runs. She calculates her timing, hoping he will stumble and place more weight on his badly injured left foreleg, causing enough pain to cause him to tumble and release her. But her efforts placed her at an even more unnatural angle, and the girl was unable to keep running side-on, so as she loses balance, stumbles and eventually allows herself to fall to his left, if Gargoyle managed to stay up at all after her attempted tripping, she would rock her weight to her haunches and reach up under his abdomen as he passed; attempting to latch onto flesh where it is unprotected and pull. Essentially creating an open wound, making him prone to blood loss, and if large enough, she may even expose organs.

Defenses: When Gargoyle slips away from beneath her, she stiffens her body, tensing all muscles and lowering her body closer to the earth to try and stabilize herself; distributing weight on her hinds. He charges towards her and she charges back, running, but ensuring her elbows are low to the earth, dropping hers houlders, this would prevent him from bowling her over, and allowing her to try slip underneath him. She balances herself, flagging her tail evenly behind her, eyes narrowed, ears pinned. Eos bare's her teeth when Gargoyle attacks, ready to protect herself. When she falls she squints her eyes again, pins her ears, and tucks her haunches over her abdomen, tail tucked also, to try protect the abdomen being run over etc.

Injuries: Large, deep bite wound to the nape/between the shoulders, though it will scar and take time to heal, it has not harmed anything vital; thanks to the fat layer in that area. I was a bit unsure with injuries in regards to Gargoyle's attack to the skull, since it's such a firm and muscle-less area, all that could be done would be superficial skin wounds, unless of coarse he managed a hair-line fracture to the skull or something, which Eos wouldn't be aware of. I suppose judge will decide this. So for now, on the right side of her head she has small, bleeding pin-holes in the skin from his lower incisors and canines. On the left she has superficial pin-holes, and also tearing through the skin and thin tissue a few centimeters long from Gargoyle's canines where she tried to free herself from his hold. I imagine these will scar and may be prone to infection. Superficial scratches and bruising to the lower abdomen from his hind legs. Now, Eos will have grazes up her quarters and (hind) heels from being partially dragged, tripping and then her fall. She also has a decent chunk of skin taken from the top of her scruff. She may loose a decent amount of blood from here.

Ooc: If you're confused by anything Clashbum, drop me a PM. I was a little unsure with Gargy's last attack, and struggled quite a bit to come up with something that would make sense on Eos' end without dodging him- because let's face it, dodging is no fun at all. That's also the reason it's so long, as I tried as hard as I could to space it out and make sure I made some kind of sense, haha. Apologies in advance if I misinterpreted anything.