



06-27-2013, 10:30 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Quiet filled the space that she and Awaken shared beneath the tree, while outside their makeshift shelter the winds and snow continued to dance and blow about. It was oddly peaceful, quite comfortable despite the ever present winter chill, and though a part of her still worried about the possibly lost young wolf who had left them in the span of a few moments without even bringing a little attention to herself, Merci tried for distraction. While Awaken thought about what he might ask first, she tried to think of an object, something, living or otherwise, that she might use for their game. For the first short while, Ithurial was all she could consider, but as she attempted to assure herself that the yearling had left with enough time to get close to the pack's den, or at least close enough to get wrangled in with the others when they sought shelter, her thoughts drifted away with increasing ease.

By the time Awaken asked his first question, she had her object in mind and listened to him make his inquiry, gently shaking her head to either side. "No," she said aloud, curious how long it might take for the dark colored wolf to figure out her choice. Mercianne held the image of it within her mind as she waited, an ear flickering lazily as the winds gusted outside their cover. Attempting to get comfortable, she took a turn there beside the tree and lowered herself to her side, curling her paws up toward her stomach and bunching herself in a fluffy ball of creamy white fur. She kept her head up, watching Awaken attentively as she continued to try to keep her thoughts light, using him as her distraction.