
It's Darkest Before The Hope



4 Years
Athena I
06-05-2017, 06:52 PM

Piper trotted through the bare trees at a light jog, her ivory-dipped paws carrying her easily through the snow. She had been pretty bored as of late, especially with the winter making more wolves stay in their dens longer and chasing away a lot of the birds she would watch in her spare time. Today she thought would be a great day to get out of the pack for a while and spend some time exploring. Maybe she could find something to hunt out here so she could bring it back with her. Who knew, maybe she could find someone that would want to spar with her! Anything was game as far as she was concerned.

Really she just wanted to stop laying around and doing nothing. It felt like she had done a lot of that lately and it made her sad. She hadn't seen her father or siblings much lately and she hadn't really gotten super close to anyone else in the pack. She thought about going to see if she could find Jackson's pack and see him again, but it had been so long since they had run into each other on the beach that she almost felt like it would be weird for her to randomly show up. Piper knew that she could just go find her father or one of her siblings and she was sure they would want to spend time with her if she did, but part of her wanted one of them to come find her instead - like they wanted to spend time with her.

She sighed softly at the thought and gave her head a shake. No, she didn't wanna dwell on all that stuff. She was out having an adventure like she would when she was a kid. That's all she needed to think about today.

"Talk" "You" Think