
Losing Track of Time [Ashy Sibs]



3 Years
Extra large
06-05-2017, 09:43 PM

Oh, so Ashi thought she couldn't catch him, huh? Well, she would certainly show him! With a heave Asharya pulled herself from the water and began to give chase, but saw that her brother had already pulled far ahead. She growled a pathetic puppy growl and charged after him. Oh, he would get it for being so mean to her! She was gonna smush his face down in dirt and sit on it, and make him apologize. And then maybe she might get up. Maybe.

As it happens, she was far too busy plotting her revenge to pay much attention to where she was going. Ashiel disappeared around the nearest bend in the canyon's floor, and she tumbled along close after him. Looking forward, whereas Ashiel had been peeking over his shoulder, she had time enough to notice their mother had materialized out of nowhere, as she so often did. With a gulp, Asharya tried to slam on the breaks but ended up tripping over her own paws instead. Asharya fell forwards in a tumble, rear over ears, and came to land nearly on top of Ashiel.

She scrambled upright, taking in a breath large enough to sustain her as she blamed absolutely everything on her despicable brother, when she realized her mother was clutching something... weird in her jaws. "What is that, Mama?!" she asked with amazement, forgetting her anger (and the fact that she may very well get in trouble for leaving the den again) in the wake of this new discovery. Was this the present she had been promised? Oh boy! "What is it, what is it, what is it?" she asked again, spinning in a circle as she did so, utterly unable to contain her excitement. Pyralis dropped the distressed creature nearly on her brother's head and the young ember came as close as she could despite it's flapping wings. Was it a bird, then? It was nothing like the vultures and smaller winged things she had seen here so far! She looked to her mother, blue eyes wide and shimmering, waiting for an explanation for this latest and greatest adventure.

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox